When will we get Dynamic Flight?

I’ve searched but haven’t seen any specific date. Is it with the new expansion, or is it sooner?

Dragonriding from what i understand is dynamic flight they are just changed the name of it is all. Some flying mounts will have different abilities, like the preorder mount from the new xpack having a different ability than the dragons.

We already have it

Soooo whats the question?

I think he asking when will other mounts get it

Probably 11.0 or pre-patch. July - September? I thought the xpack is coming out in August.

Thank you all. Appreciate the answers!

I’m not sure other mounts are getting it, at least not the whole mount roster. It’s only going to be specific mounts for now until things can get ported over to the new system, i thought?

They said fall 2024 at Blizzcon, so maybe August is when the prepatch drops but I don’t think the full expansion will be coming before September.

It says right on the 2024 retail roadmap on the war within prepatch: dynamic flight, warbands etc

So TWW pre patch sometime in summer as per the roadmap

My god, it’s as if I was blind. How the heck did I miss that? I feel dumb now lol. Appreciate it, thank you

I never realized just how short the beta for TWW is planned to be. Not even 2 months.

Yeah. It’s kind of suspect and I’m fairly certain everything will get delayed. S4 isnt even on ptr yet. TWW Alpha is supposed to start before S4? But haven’t seen anything on that yet

10.2.7 is supposed to come out in “spring” but if s4 is on the ptr for “a few weeks” as blizzard said, then 10.2.7 can’t really come before the end of May, and that’s assuming it has a very very short ptr cycle.

TWW prepatch shows early summer and launch shows late summer like aug/sept by the looks of the timeline. So if 10.2.7 came out late may they’re going to follow that up with pre patch within 2 months of that? I doubt it.

In typical blizzard fashion i have a strong feeling we are in for disappointment and a “Dec 31st” style launch meaning pushed back repeatedly.

A few days before 10.2.6 came out i predicted it would be a patch based around pvp that not many players would like. They did not disappoint in bringing the disappointment

The War Within pre-patch.

It’s already there. You can fly your dragon any place that you can do regular flying.

I find it is quite helpful. While leveling in Wrath Classic some times I want to know what’s on top of a hill or around a corner so I log into Retail and send a level 70 'toon up to look around. Of course some things have changed because of the trouble Deathwing caused but others have not.

Anyway having both regular flying and dragon flying is great. If I have to cover great distances I use my dragon, for short stuff where I want to look around I use regular flying.

In general, dragon flying is like flying a jet and regular is like flying a helicopter. They each have their advantages.