Normally I dislike breaking a single sentence (or really, most of a single sentence) into different parts, but there’s two things I wish to address that you brought up.
I cannot speak for other people, but for me? Whether it’s forsaken stuff, troll stuff, tauren stuff, blood elf stuff, gobbo stuff (and so on) is largely irrelevant. Sorta.
Because I main Horde. All those races? They’re a part of “my people.” I know them, I love them, yadda yadda. Their individual stories are a part of the larger story I want developed; the Horde story.
So when Undermine(d) is gonna be a whole patch about gobbos, it doesn’t matter to me that 80% of those gobbos are neutral, and 20% are one race among the many that makes up the Horde. Because I’m familiar with goblins, I run dungeons with goblins, I learn engineering from goblins, etc. They feel Horde, so the story developing one of the many Horde races feels familiar to that everyday gameplay I have as a Horde player.
Yeah, I’d like more diverse content for each race. But I know not to expect that because Blizzard historically only focuses on two to four races total in a given expansion, if even that many. And I’d like more general Horde content, but I know we practically never get “general faction content” either. So going based on the race of the month is what I have.
Big, strong agree. That’s why I felt I had to break the sentence up. This is a whole entire issue, where Human or Orc architecture and armors become the default Alliance or Horde architecture and armors to the point it suffocates both factions. And I did not want my disagreement or clarification of the first part to detract from this very real issue.
Again, I enjoyed the quest. I really did. But part of the problem is that it’s still Baine. It might have solved the problems from a story perspective, but from a Horde player’s perspective?
Nothing about that quest chain fixed Baine mumbling around three quarters of BfA’s war campaign, complaining about how "this is not honorable*** while doing nothing about it until suddenly JAINA’S AT RISK??? Nothing about that quest chain fixed him sitting like a bag of trash for half of Shadowlands.
People didn’t talk about that quest chain too much (but they did talk about it, cuz that’s how I learned about it first) becaus Baine had already been so sullied as a character.
Different situation than Baine, because I do remember quite a lot of discussions about the Forsaken one. A mixed bag, sure, but it wasn’t quite crickets with the reclamation of Lordaeron.
But again, some context here matters. Because the reclamation of Lordaeron also felt very half-finished (and this complaint is equally valid IMO for Gilneas). We got the topside ruins back, and… Well, that’s sorta it. It felt like, and still feels like, we’re waiting for the other half of this. Again, this applies to Gilneas. It all just felt so short and quick that it’s just not enough to talk about.
I cannot speak much for the blood elf paladin one. I do not have a blood elf paladin and I legitimately strugged to recall if I ever did this quest on Alynsa or not, until I remembered the mount. All I remember is that it was done very quickly.
All that being said, regarding Baine, Lordaeron and the Green Chocobo questlines, I don’t think it’s that Horde players aren’t counting them. I think that we all acknowledge they exist as small pieces of faction-aligned content. And even with the issues they have (cuz let’s be honest, the Alliance content has issues as well), they are certainly better than nothing.
But they all together still feel like crumbs compared to just Amirdrassil. To just chilling with Magni, Moira, Dagran, Anduin and Jaina (especially the latter two) for TWW thus far. Starting with Shadowlands, going through Dragonflight, and now the first third of TWW, we got crumbs. And before that, we got villained for an expansion, and crumbs during Legion.
So if we’re not bringing up the crumbs when we’re saying “we need more story content that isn’t killing the Alliance again please,” it isn’t because we forgot the crumbs exist.
It’s just that crumbs aren’t very filling.
Again, I do think Undermine(d) is a great step forward though.
Even if the MAXIMUM VROOM car is absolutely going to give me anxiety attacks and vertigo!!! I look forward to dizzily rushing to the bathroom to throw up because car go too quickly cannot turn ran into big mobs died now again!!!