Right? Like they coulda at least said “hey, leave,” but I do appreciate that they took a hard stance with how the night elves operate as defenders of the forests. Reminds of those primitive tribes that just kill anyone who comes near their island.
Mechagon?? I think you are thinking of a different gnome and not Gelbin.
Tyrande’s characterization is often problematic, but if you think Shandris is going to be anything other than damp, room temperature playdough, you’re setting yourself up for disappointment.
Yeah, I guess you’re right. I was imagining as if we still had warcraft writers.
Hence Why Maieve and the rest of the Wardens absolutely hate her for the most part.
That hard stance regarding Ashenvale would make sense if,
- anyone actually knew they were there before the bodies started dropping as someone mentioned earlier
- She hadn’t spent weeks watching the combined Alliance and Orc forces literally trying to help clear the demons out of Ashenvale so she knew what they were doing and why but decided to kill not only the orcs, but the human paladin leading them anyway just because they dared have the nerve to just be in Ashenvale. Like WTF lady?!
Being a short-sighted, selfish, impulsive brat politically, and her hate jones for any other group of elves are literally her only consistent character traits from the beginnings of the franchise until modern day.
After dealing with Tyrande’s reckless impulsive “leadership” style for decades, anyone behaving in an reasonable, adult diplomatic manner and demonstrating even the fundamental levels of understanding situational nuance is going to look boring by comparison.
Tyrande as a Horde quest giver:
T: “Hey, you! Piece of crap Horde! Where is my husband and how is this your fault somehow??”
After helping her find sorta-but-not her husband, T: “Cool, cool, at least you aren’t as absolutely terrible as every single other Horde, now go away, it’s still probably somehow your fault.”
Shandris as a Horde quest giver:
S: “I will never work with the Horde, they are evil!”
Winter Queen: “This one’s cool tho.”
S: “Oh, thank you stranger. Hello new Horde friend, would you please help me find my mom??”
After helping her find her mom, S: “Mom, please stop being mean to my new friend, she’s really cool!! Mom, she did hunter stuff with me and even went into the Maw to help me look for you!! I’m telling you mom, she’s great!! She’s Horde? Eh, details, now please stop being mean to her!!”
Yes, I am being very extremely hyperbolic.
I think in terms of horde story, undermine is likely the best we are gunna get since they seemed to have ditched the separate leveling campaigns, which i will personally dearly miss.
I’m sure she’ll get around to it when she’s not gushing about human potential.
Hmmmm, did that dark stain of dialog make it past the beta? I remember it, and I laugh when I do, because it was such an obvious “Aren’t humans just the most amazing race on the planet” bit from the writers.
It certainly contributed to the “Human Potential” meme, years back.
<Shandris’s keen eyes scan the horizon. She nods at you in acknowledgement.>
What is your strategy, Shandris?
Shandris, keep a low profile. Stay in the shadows… if you can find any.Darkness… Sylvanas… is this what you saw… what you wished to save us from?
Shandris, it’s been… two, three thousand years? To think we’d meet again like this.
It’s a shame you’re fighting alongside this filthy human, Shandris! Such short, insignificant lives.
I am destined to live for eternity, I will not die here!
You should have died a long time ago, Areiel. We’re here to see that happens.
Even in your final moments, you fail to see the true potential of humans.
This was the old dialogue.
And this is the quest it’s from.
Ranger Captain Areiel says: Shandris, it’s been… two, three thousand years? To think we’d meet again like this, and with you helping a human, of all things.
Shandris Feathermoon says: And you still cling to your outdated views on humans. I should’ve killed you a long time ago.
Ranger Captain Areiel says: Darkness… Sylvanas… is this what you saw… what you wished to save us from?
Shandris Feathermoon says: … It’s over. Find her plans and return to Redfield’s Watch when you’re done here.
Now she just says that that npc has "outdated views on humans.
Also it’s kind of weird that we’re now supposed to assume the average High Elf adult was around before the exile and is fully acquainted with prominent Night Elf characters.
It is a fraction of how they treat the Alliance.
It is 100% more than we have gotten in a long, long, time.
and when it happens, it will be about making beer, and doing kung-fu. but mostly beer.
We need better things for the Horde.
That brought me back to the arrival at the Gates of Org during the siege of Org in MoP.
Tyrande and her forces appear, and keep Garrosh’s forces busy so we can sneak in.
Voljin sounds amazed to see her, like he saw some mythical super hero appear and fight on his side. He says her name, almost in disbelief yet reverence:
And how does she reply?
“We aren’t here for you, Troll. We are here for Kalimdor!”
What a shrew.
Tyrande when described: oh she’s so wise, so wonderful, so caring
Tyrande when observed: Just the complete worst.
Tyrande, as a leader, made sense when the Night Elves were wild, sophisticated savages.
Think about it: Night Elves were designed to be a merging of the major elf tropes (wood elves, high elves, and dark elves). It makes perfect sense for them to be savage, arrogant, violent, and prone to infighting.
But Blizzard refused to maintain this direction and cucked the night elves over time.
Now, Tyrande stands out like a sore thumb.
Honestly Malfurion is even worse.
He goes from angry force of nature to senile grandpa who hasn’t bothered to read up on what’s happening outside of the dream and back.
He’s supposed to be wise, but is willfully ignorant of anything of the civilized world and is entirely hands off as a ruler, which leads to bad things when Staghelm and Tyrande are the ones making all the calls
He also thinks Illidan is pure dagnasty evil and is going to destroy the world but decides not to kill him bc he wants his help to find Tyrande.
Like Malf and Tyrande are the most selfish leaders in WoW history… apart from late game Sylvanas lol
Malf at least has the excuse that he’s a champion of the emerald dream and has spent more time doing his duties there than in the waking world, so him being the fantasy equivalent of your deadhead burnout great uncle whose lived out of a van since the 80s makes sense.
Tyrande is just… terribly written. Her not being a great diplomat is fine, she’s an isolationist autocrat and stuck in her ways due to being ancient, but she’s just written to be so consistently petulant and foolish which jives with how wonderful npcs and writers describe her as.
There’s a kind of weird irony in that out of the 2 leaders she’s been shown to be consistently diplomatic to is a king that exploited a relic of her goddess to weaponize it.
Also she’s canonically the lawyer with the worst W/L record on Azeroth.
The fact that after the primalist Night Elves and the druids of the flame rebel should have send her into self-reflection… but naw kill them or put them to penitent work, lets reject immortality after offered for EVERYONE, (no one has a say except her or her husband about this) the main reason a lot of her people have been upset for some time… and lets reward her after so much death and destruction where you get a quest of funeral rites… to return her husband from the realm of Death. /s
Lucky her I guess as Elune Favored Pristesst… sucks for her people though, that don’t get that chance!
This is Dungeon Master Blizz role play game and story and I’m just here for the ride… but man sometime even I don’t need to joke of some stuff being written for these characters of how funny it can get in WoW with some main stories.
I truly dying to see if the writers actually bring this up if Azshara is in the Elven reunion… and have a conversation with Tyrande… I love hear how the voice actors bring to life such call outs to each other’s faults!
I can imagine the first one to jump and try to strike Azshara would be Tyrande with her temperament after such a taunting, only to be rebuck by a magic barrier and being schooled over those poor manners by Azshara!
Oh wait… dang I think Poor young Shandris would probably will take the brunt of such heated conversation…what an ackward way to start leadership political meetings!
Well, I hope she gets her own model at least.