When will we get a Horde story?

The Night Elves and Dwarven Ambassador attempting to sabotage the Arcane sanctums in Quel’thalas which would have allowed the Scourge to complete destroying the region and Silvermoon.

The exceedingly long laundry list of Tyrande’s political screwups just within the Alliance (not even counting the ones with the Blood Elves and the Nightborne).

Was Moira’s martial law lockdown take over of Ironforge (in which she also held Anduin himself hostage) just kind of swept under the rug and forgotten/glossed over?

Did anyone ever admit that the rout on the Broken shore wasn’t solely the fault of the Horde like Genn pushed, constantly despite the fact that both groups were just simple outgunned, outnumbers and got equally stomped?

How has no one called out Mekkatorque for his regular bad decision making and tendency to simply aggrandize himself by taking credit for “supervising” the actual work of other gnomes.

The list goes on and on.


This one can kind of be explained slightly with the Dwarves taking more offense to Varian butting into their affairs

(except nobody’s allowed to stay mad at the Wrynns)

I love that a random gnome got exiled from gnomeregan because Thermaplugg stole his plans and bastardized them into the crowd pummeller, but Mekkatorque helped perfect the gnome-be-gon gas and he’s beloved enough for them to throw away their previous governance to make him king.


It was SI:7’s fault, but only the Uncrowned know that and I don’t think they ever said anything about it.

And I suppose it’s also everyone else’s fault as well for purely relying on the human intelligence agency instead of having their own spies and scouts confirming stuff.


I find it amusing the dwarves took offense to Varian getting involved considering his son and heir was being held hostage along with the rest of the city. I swear, these folks live for hundreds of years and seem to have never grasped basic logic concepts or geopolitical impact.

I mean the literal future of Stormwind and the royal family was at stake with her coup. How in the world did they think Varian wouldn’t get involved. LOL

I think it’s less rescuing his son and more dictating the overall terms of how things are gonna be once he had Moira at swordpoint.

Insularity and adherence to tradition are 2 of the biggest core traits of most dwarves in fiction.

A rare miss from the Shattered Hand, the intelligence agency that isn’t screwing up every other expansion and is so competent they don’t need adventurer help and just do their jobs discreetly.

(or maybe they’re just a non-human organization in a role where there’s a human focused organization Blizzard would always prefer to give the entirety of the focus to)


Rangari, sentinel scouts, farstriders, shattered hand, etc. need not apply when there’s SI:7 around to screw things up.

Think of how much better things would be if it wasn’t just the humans doing the spying/scouting.

Why are humans the sole ones responsible for this stuff to begin with? They’re not even meant to be good at this. Like it was a whole plot point that Nathanos was unique for being a human ranger.


Devs have clear specific favorites, and its easier to keep going back to the same well instead of building up other groups who you haven’t developed at all. Same reason the Kirin Tor will continue to be the face of mages going forward even when Silvermoon and Suramar would realistically be far stronger after Dalaran blew up.


Oh no doubt. But how in the world did they think he was going to respond to her kidnapping the literal crown prince. I mean they literally sent a full on hit squad to rescue her from Emperor Thaurissan. But they were all “whaaaaaa” when Varian was expecting to kill her for kidnapping his son? Like, dudes really? :joy: :rofl:

Well to be fair, the elves were the ones who broke Azeroth the first time around. And the Eredar were the ones who were responsible for the Legion being bolstered and spreading as wide as it eventually did in the end, including putting the orcs on the Legion’s radar in the first place. /shrug

Especially since the main reason Dalaran was so powerful in the first place was due to the High Elves. The elven magi viewed Dalaran as grade school for their mages. Elves only studied there until they were ready to complete their magical training at the Elven arcane sanctums and academies (typically in either Silvermoon or Suramar).

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Also an accumulation of relics and knowledge that had a good chance of being destroyed in the crash or sinking into the depths


We have an entire scenario about how this did become water under the bridge because ultimately she decided to help Varian and by doing so proved she was no longer a threat to Ironforge.

He has never taken credit for other people’s work and his short made it quite clear he wanted Thermoplugg to succeed. As for his “bad decision” it was trusting a friend that he was not a genocidal maniac planning on usurping him.

This was something dealt with in Before the Storm with Anduin point blank asking Sylvanas if she betrayed Varian, Sylvanas said no, and Anduin swore no Horde would be hurt by the Alliance, including his hand, Sylvanas said there was nothing else to say and Anduin going" no we don’t and I regrt that. Perhaps another day we will meet again and speak of other thinfs that could help both our people."

The Alliance did not sabotage it and in fact it was overloading on its own(yes they were spying. So was Thrall, everyone was spying on one another!):


  • Could night elf saboteurs be behind this? I doubt it. With the load we’ve been putting on the West Sanctum it was only a matter of time until something
  • went wrong.


From what I can understand of this letter, whoever wrote this did not cause the malfunction, but rather was sent here as a spy to observe the results of it. They call our endeavors reckless and dangerous… but who?

I suspect we will deal with this in Midnight, but regardless, she didn’t trust both blood elves and Nightborne for a reason and maybe she was right considering the blood elves prince was serving the Legion and at the time the nightborne just got done serving it.

It kinda beggars belief that no one has even mentioned the Pillars.


I mean, they let the Naga steal one right from under their noses.

If I were the Kirin Tor, I too would not mention the Pillars.

Legion came out almost nine years ago.


Plot twist: the real reason they don’t bring it up is because they had all been stolen years prior and they don’t want people to know.

I still love that the rest of the Pillars are named after the others: The Eye of Aman’thul, Aegis of Aggramar, Hammer of Khaz’goroth. They’re all handing down beloved items to the Keepers, and Eonar just turns to Elune and insults her until she cries or something.


For the Horde!

I’m going to use this line in a future Youtube video. This is just a perfect analogy for how the story currently feels, with or without the faction imbalance.

I know I’m dreaming, but I wish they’d stop trying to tell these big character driven stories. They’re not good at it. At all. Seriously WoW is the laughing stock of the mmo community when it comes to storytelling.

Just go back to the earlier style where it felt like an RPG about the player’s own adventures.

Seriously: does anyone, ANYONE, prefer the way they’ve been telling the story lately?


I should hope the hammer at least went back to the Highmountain Tauren.

That’s the safest location for it, nothing ever happens to a tauren offshoot tribe after their expansion is over.


I’ve been waiting to see if the demonic portal to Dreadscar Rift (the Warlock order hall) just sitting on the beach of the Isle of Dorn after the crash is going to cause problems.

When you go through the Mechagon unlock on alliance side, he comes across the entire time like a corporate middle-manager who just stands around “supervising” and takes credit for the whole shebang.

I made a gnome years and years ago, and I vaguely remember similar vibes from several of his quests, but that may have changed. Been a long time since I played an Alliance character that interacted with him regularly.

Fair enough.

Her mistrust of the Blood Elves was based on her hate jones for Azshara (somewhat understandable). But she completely and totally fumbled the ball regarding the Nightborne resistance. Then afterward taking down Elisande and Gul’dan, Tyrande made a unilateral decision that all Alliance support to Suramar would be withdrawn (without even discussing the matter with anyone else in the Alliance), and left.

But it’s not even just how she reacts regarding the Highborn.

  • Go look into why Maieve absolutely hates her.
  • The entire debacle with her having the human paladin, Duke Lionheart, killed. He was leading a combined force of Alliance and Orcs to hunt the remaining demons in Ashenvale (a joint effort created by Thrall and Jaina btw) just because he had the nerve to BE in Ashenvale. This after stealth listening/watching them long enough to know exactly what the demon hunting force was doing and why they were there, but decided to just kill him anyway.
    • the Darkshore Warfronts situation. She got all pissy and got it stuck in her head that Stormwind refused to help retake Darkshore. The reality of the situation (which was explained to her in detail by Anduin) was that Stormwind troops had already been sent to other fronts, and the remaining troops were a skeleton crew needed to safeguard Stormwind (which included all of the massive number of Night Elf refugees they had taken in when they didn’t have to). But instead of accepting that Anduin couldn’t send troops he literally didn’t have, all Tyrande heard was “no”.

The list goes on and on and on…


I will actually second your distaste for Tyrande. I’ve recently been playing through WC3 and she is just the worst.

I mean, she massacres the wardens watching over Illidan just cause she gets a notion that he could be helpful.

On top of that, she knowingly imprisoned Illidan for 10,000 years so that she could use him when needed. She never reflects on her past actions or thinks she may have been to harsh in her treatment of him.

She basically does whatever she wants, regardless of what the ultimate goal is, often getting other people killed in the process.

Really, we should be glad she’s stepped down from leadership. We get an emotional, chaotic, selfish leader off our hands, and we don’t have to listen to that obnoxious accent anymore.

Shandris is gonna be a badass.


Tyrande’s grand introduction to the series was taking a look at a bunch of refugees, noting on camera that she knew they were refugees, and then going straight to murder because they were logging the border of Ashenvale, a place where the night elves weren’t seen for generations given the Tauren didn’t know they were there.

And that’s before the WOTA retcons made her look even dumber in a couple different ways