When will we get a Horde story?

This is why the sane people are thankful that blizz took the faction war out back, shot it dead and than buried it.

Both factions have always sucked in the end. There’s like three people tops on this forum who STILL cling to Faction Pride like anyone else cares

Alliance players are entitled kids always complain when their leaders aren’t the Center of attention. That’s how we got 4 expansions worth of Tyrande being everywhere.


Says the most entitled poster on the lore forums

Oh Tell me what did my complaints ever do so Blizzard considered to implement the ideas

Sure, stories are stories. I enjoy plenty of Alliance stories and characters myself.

But, surely you can’t deny that the Horde’s cast is depleted and underdeveloped and its storylines are glacial, directionless, and incomplete comparatively.

Like, we are fast approaching the tenth anniversary of Vol’jin’s death. Do you think that storyline has been resolved appropriately? Do you think his successor has been handled with the same grace, care, and attention that Varian’s successor was given?

Do you not think that it is wild that Thrall only became aware of the existence of Geya’rah, a character introduced in 2018, as his sister in 2024? And that no one decided to follow up on that in favor of another comic of Alleria brooding?

Do you not think it is equally wild that no one can say with 100% certainty what Thrall’s relationship with the elements looks like presently? At the same time, we have watched his faction counterpart in Jaina go through multiple character arcs.

Like, don’t get me wrong. I know there is only so much time in the day. Only so many stories can be told. I main a Pandaren. Our heritage quest isn’t even on the roadmap.

But, when I see a short story collection released that is: Thrall, three Alliance characters, and two characters who only have relationships with Alliance characters, I don’t think I’m in the wrong for asking when are Horde stories going to get this level of care and attention?

In Undermine(d)? I won’t deny it’s an incredible start, but it’s interesting one of the biggest focal characters who just got a short story is the single Alliance goblin. No one was going out of their way to write Taskmaster Fizzule into the dwarf content this patch.

In Midnight? Because the last short story they wrote set in Silvermoon was entirely about Alliance drama. I think that’s a pretty clear sign of what Midnight is looking like.

This is a setting written by people. They decide what they want to write about and focus on. You can say ‘oh, well, it’s the Void and Light, there’s nobody in the Horde that’s about that’ or ‘oh, it’s the Titans, there’s no large Horde connection to the Titans.’ But, if you’re a writer, you can flesh out those connections.

Alleria, as she was prior to Legion, was not a character who had any stated interaction or interest in the void. Do you not think a writer, at any point, could have taken the time to make connections or develop characters to make this slightly Horde-relevant content? Why do you suppose they have not?


As soon as I saw the thread title, I thought, “I know exactly what kind of dumpster fire that’s going to turn into.”

And I was right.


The thing is, yes its a fiction, but still, the narrative dont need to be bound by rules like the ones you said, “fairness” : its not a rule in narration, like i dare you to tell me that it is a rule in writing to equalize your “screen time” of characters.

Yes, because Vol’jin became a literal god lol…and Varian was not seen again since he died, while Vol’jin was plenty of times seen again.

Its not his sister, she is not even from the same timeline…

And i mean, i could give the exact same questions for Alliance : Do you not find wild that we still dont know who was Taelia mother? Bolvar wife?

Dont you find wild that the story about the scarlet brotherhood and the son of wryn is still not answered?

Dont you find wild we have no infos about Alterac since a looong time?

Dont you find wild we had to wait tww to even know what happenned to Dagran II?

Yeah just like when i saw in wod : LORD OF WAR : ORC ORC ORC ORC ORC DRANEI =p

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Here’s the craziest bit: he’s not even the only Alliance goblin. There’s also Grizzek.


Because thats actually for the Alliance to be implicated in the story, and have kind of a reason to be here.

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Lmao the arguments get dumber.


Early in BfA I saw a track they could have used to straight up end the Horde/Alliance factions and break everything into just individual races. For a minute there it even looked like they might. Sadly, it never came to pass. I really wish they had.

The lack of self awareness demonstrated here is staggering.


Thank you for the only genuine reply from another alliance character.

Its straight denial that Horde isn’t being underrepresented in the last 3 expacs. That’s essentially 6 years of little to no development for half the playerbase. I dunno why this is so contentious.

This game was FOUNDED on faction conflict. The idea that faction writing is stupid is just a bunch of lemmings jumping on a popular phrase. Faction conflict has given us some of our best narratives. The game has gone downhill in story since we stopped having any focus on the factions, because it removes a lot of character from the game that makes WoW unique.

I’d really hoped this thread would have more thoughtful responses, like yours. Instead its just got a trolling goblin chattering about how racial stories are better when they’re not at all exclusive from faction narratives and a draenei who is just terribly pro-alliance and denies the base of the argument altogether.


Self awareness of a teaspoon.

This game was FOUNDED on faction conflict.

Welcome to evolution of the story. Faction conflict gave us BFA and led us to SL. It is terrible. It only worked for Garrosh because they built his downfall all the way back since TBC.

[quote=“Pobu-moon-guard, post:52, topic:2059642”]
The game has gone downhill in story since we stopped having any focus on the factions, because it removes a lot of character from the game that makes WoW unique.

I disagree 100%. The story got better without the faction conflict. Some of the best writing in BFA was without the faction conflict. The moment you needed to do faction conflict BS, the writing took a huge noise dive into stupid.

[quote=“Pobu-moon-guard, post:52, topic:2059642”]
I’d really hoped this thread would have more thoughtful responses, like yours. Instead its just got a trolling goblin chattering about how racial stories are better when they’re not at all exclusive from faction narratives and a draenei who is just terribly pro-alliance and denies the base of the argument altogether.

Oh coo, because I disagree I am trolling. Good thing that you aren’t bias as hell then. Get real.

? He got his elemental powers. We’ve seen him use it constantly. He throw a frozen axe a lot, which is a nod to GOW it seems. Dude created earth bridges in the raid, in the specultor or whatever, dude was throwing out lava blasts constantly. We know he has the elements because we constantly see him using it.

He got over it during Torghast quest line with us rescuing him with his mother. He called upon the spirits to use lightning to break free from the chains.

I swear, people ignore character development or story when it comes to the horde just so they can complain.

Lol, this Goblin patch literally has Alleria as a main character, no Thrall.


Because Gazlow is the main character for the horde representation. Because this is a goblin patch. Alleria is there for Xala feet, which galaywix has a deal with.

I am going to assume you are not meaning TWW, as the expansion is only to the point of almost releasing it first content patch after release, which is Horde centric. So, you certainly cannot call this expac. And you would not be so blatantly disingenuous as to pretend the first patch is the entire expac even when we know a Horde patch is about to be released, right?

So, the question becomes: Under represented compared to what? The total content of the expac? The Alliance? I am guessing you mean the Alliance, as that is what most people fixate on.

So, let’s go back 3.

  • DragonFlight. Very little from either faction. Both factions basically had the same intro, then it was almost exclusively neither faction for the entire expac. There was some Tauren development in the middle. And yes the Night elves got a some at the end. Overall, a bit more Alliance because they had to wrap up the hanging thread.
  • Shadowlands. Again, not a ton for either faction. Most of the zones were little tidbits and minor connection to factions, but not much (Bastion:Lordaeron, Revendreth:Blood Elves, Maldraxxus:Forsaken). There were parts, but small enough that they are mostly irrelevant. Ardeanweald had the most faction content, and it was pretty split between the Night Elves and Troll Loa. Bwomsamdi playing a big part. Maybe you can argue a tad more Alliance, but not much. The overall story Anduin played a big part, but not remotely as big as Sylvanas. Expac overall? Mostly equal between them. Oh, and it ended with Forsaken reclaiming Undercity (which is why DF needed Night Elves to get a city).
  • BfA. Heavily Horde dominated. The plot revolved around the Horde. Horde got extra quests and cinematics. You are being disingenuous if you are really claiming the Horde was under represented.

I think the problem is people get so used to the Horde driving the story and being the dominant focus that when it is close to balanced they feel like ‘where is the Horde.’


The whole argument that “BFA was bad, therefore faction conflict is dead” makes no sense, especially when you couple it with “MoP was great because of faction conflict. It was just a better story”

The problem is that BfA was bad. Not that faction conflict is bad.


Jordlen/Bigfel and other Alliance partisans will always reply to you demanding you agree with their bad takes.