Sure, stories are stories. I enjoy plenty of Alliance stories and characters myself.
But, surely you can’t deny that the Horde’s cast is depleted and underdeveloped and its storylines are glacial, directionless, and incomplete comparatively.
Like, we are fast approaching the tenth anniversary of Vol’jin’s death. Do you think that storyline has been resolved appropriately? Do you think his successor has been handled with the same grace, care, and attention that Varian’s successor was given?
Do you not think that it is wild that Thrall only became aware of the existence of Geya’rah, a character introduced in 2018, as his sister in 2024? And that no one decided to follow up on that in favor of another comic of Alleria brooding?
Do you not think it is equally wild that no one can say with 100% certainty what Thrall’s relationship with the elements looks like presently? At the same time, we have watched his faction counterpart in Jaina go through multiple character arcs.
Like, don’t get me wrong. I know there is only so much time in the day. Only so many stories can be told. I main a Pandaren. Our heritage quest isn’t even on the roadmap.
But, when I see a short story collection released that is: Thrall, three Alliance characters, and two characters who only have relationships with Alliance characters, I don’t think I’m in the wrong for asking when are Horde stories going to get this level of care and attention?
In Undermine(d)? I won’t deny it’s an incredible start, but it’s interesting one of the biggest focal characters who just got a short story is the single Alliance goblin. No one was going out of their way to write Taskmaster Fizzule into the dwarf content this patch.
In Midnight? Because the last short story they wrote set in Silvermoon was entirely about Alliance drama. I think that’s a pretty clear sign of what Midnight is looking like.
This is a setting written by people. They decide what they want to write about and focus on. You can say ‘oh, well, it’s the Void and Light, there’s nobody in the Horde that’s about that’ or ‘oh, it’s the Titans, there’s no large Horde connection to the Titans.’ But, if you’re a writer, you can flesh out those connections.
Alleria, as she was prior to Legion, was not a character who had any stated interaction or interest in the void. Do you not think a writer, at any point, could have taken the time to make connections or develop characters to make this slightly Horde-relevant content? Why do you suppose they have not?