When will we get a Horde story?

Because it would make no sense, the expac is Void and Azeroth related.

Orcs are not from this world, therefore, how do you expect them to be related to the events that happenned before they even set foot on Azeroth?

Thats the thing, there is a lot of elf story in wow, night elf mainly, like you saw all these ruins? Which will instantly put elves in the center of the characters you will use.

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So you admit alliance bias is real and Blizzard forces us to take quests from someone who murdered Orcs in cold blood before. If you aren’t human or night elf Blizzard doesn’T care about you.

Yes, the whole goblin theme patch is blizzard not caring about goblins. You’re just sad.


Unless Marin, Revilgaz or the others start decide to join the red team this whole arc is race themed not faction themed. As I said in another thread just because a certain race shows up doesn’t mean it is about the playable version.


Only lame people still care about factions. It is all about the races now.

Just because you don’t have faction pride doesn’t mean the rest of us feel the same way.


Good, because faction pride is dumb as hell.

Story on races is vastly more fun than dumb faction stuff.


No, i just say that it is where the story is going at the moment, and that thematically it dont requirte to insert the Horde.

You literally want “Horde insert” in story…

Also, do i need to remind you of green jeeez being a thing? Because, if Thrall was called that, its because he was getting spotlight Cata/MoP/WoD constantly.

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Yes because half the playerbase is Horde fans shocker.


Good, keep complaining. Us actual players will enjoy the race stories and gameplay.

Have fun licking the boots of Alleria.

Keep complaining. Someone will eventually hear.

People have to grow up, faction pride is for kids who need to feel represented…


in a two faction game both sides should be represented yes. That is called fairness.


And without the faction pride or war BS, goblins are finally getting a story!

If this was horde based story, it will only be about orcs and elves. Nope, finally, some goblin love. Factions just shoe horns things down to one avenue.

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I love how even Blizzard acknowledges the story has been Alliance centric, telling Horde fans to wait until later for their time in the narrative….

Then other casual fans come to the story forum and say the same thing…

But some people will pretend it isn’t so.

It’s like even the owners of the property acknowledge it has been the case, casual fans notice it…. But some extreme partisans pretend this Alliance Overdrive isn’t happening.

At least this is an honest take.

If the Horde is written out, the individual Horde Races can be used neutrally for the Alliance to enjoy as well.


Imagine that, without faction based story telling, you can just story tell with the races themselves.

And this is why I always hated the faction system in the game. The best parts of the game is when faction stuff isn’t even acknowledged.

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No, thats called being delusional, because in real life fairness dosent exist, you wont have like events that make everyone shine as some kind of equal justice.

Story have to be as close as reality as possible in term of “events occurence” not some kind of “fairness” bs that would even disturb your narrative…

We dont care about fairness, i want story, a good one, i dont care if i have my quota of Horde characters or Alliance ones…

They bascially said it because the “Horde fans” went ape…

This is a fictional Story. Blizzard has all the power. Are you afraid to lose your status as top dog? Lol alliance is pathetic

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Says the most pathetic poster on the lore forums.