When will we get a blue post update on the server merge issues?

Given how many people are experiencing serious issues, there’s been a frustrating lack of blue post updates. There was no update yesterday and nothing this morning either. Many of us cannot reclaim our old names even after we were told inactive names would be purged. Some of us have our characters in limbo, and any information or update would let us know whether to continue waiting or to just roll a new name.

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Last thing they commented about it was…

Probably the last bit you’ll hear for a bit until there’s a response they can actually give to answer some of the issues still ongoing.

If they can at least acknowledge the problems they are aware of, that would be helpful. From some of the posts 2 days ago, it seems they think some issues are “fixed” when many people are still experiencing these issues (name reclaim for example). Rather than dismiss these as isolated hiccups, it would reassure us they are aware of the issues and are working on it. As it stands, we are unsure if they even are aware of the problems people are experiencing.

Less broke is fixed.