When will the xp off bug get fix in bgs

Last time I checked linking exploitative behavior on the forums was pretty much promoting/guiding the issue.
Now we have names, armories and every other link the dryrats can muster up on these threads.

Does not look like it is a problem, or they would be taken down right?

Nerfing Gear, Items or even Templates will not fix the major outliers in these lower brackets.
What we need is specific Bracket Abilty/Spell Tuning. Direct.
With how popular these mini-games have shown they can be, this would work well with a full on Promotion of the lower brackets. F2p+

Ps, If the toy gets adjusted after all these years, I hope they rename it “Entitlementak” so we can credit this thread. :wink:

Way to cherry pick one of the smallest points to cloud the rest the issue. Have you been taking lessons from Ion? The f2p bracket is on the rise, that will only make things worse for the levelers in the 20-29 bracket though.

The level of strength between a fully kitted out 20 twink has vs a random leveler in looms or whatever is probably the highest its ever been. I feel bad for anyone new to the game testing out PvP at low level and being absolutely demolished by the fotm boys.

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Answer me this one question.
How much increased power does the debuff give characters in Battlegrounds? In %.

The debuff does not give the character power in any way. They are using an EXPLOIT to allow their XP locked toons who have gear far beyond what the average BGer has to faceroll BGs. Which is the primary reason Blizzard split the brackets, they are aware of the power gap. Lets describe it like this.

Average Bger- I can’t wait to try out this character in a good old fashioned knife fight (BGs) :grinning:
Twink group- Hey boys lets bring our sniper rifles to this knife fight and faceroll easy kills :japanese_ogre:
Average BGer- What happened to the knife fight? :thinking:
Twink Leader- You have access to a sniper rifle too. :crazy_face:
Average BGer- But then its not a knife fight…
Twink 1- lol newb
Twink 2- getgud pleb
Twink 3- choochoo this train stops for noone
Average BGer- Well this is lame, if I wanted a sniper rifle swap meet I would just play endgame :frowning_face:


Is this thread a direct call out?
And, should I be sharing or suggesting positivity of any kind/form in it?

You guys can wallow in the misery, I choose not to.

Dont bring a knife to a gunfight


Apparently blizzard intended it to be a knife showdown, but twinks are sneaking in guns with a concealed carry permit (xp reduced buff0.

I am all for twinks being allowed in leveler BGs, but blizzard would have to balance the scales. As evident of their skill at achieving balance just look at 60 PvP.

This is how blizzard handles PvP feedback from the community. :see_no_evil: :hear_no_evil: :speak_no_evil:

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How much stronger does this debuff make the weapons?
Big 0.

Why did blizzard separate the brackets if the weapons are not stronger? :thinking:

If there was a problem this thread would have been taken down, after all it directly links how to use this world debuff.
Right? Bad thread, links/promotes exploitations.
Thread gets taken down.

If players were gaining Experience faster than they should, we would surely have seen swift adjustments with great force.
This method actually works in the houses favor, as Experience gains were nerfed in SL.

If nothing is wrong, nothing is wrong.

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Experience gains were nerfed solely to pad MAUs, not with the intent to allow twinks to farm more kills before leveling out of a bracket.

And if they did intend for twinks to be in BGs longer, why would twinks go one step further and use the XP reduced buff on top of that? :thinking:

Looks like Twinks are padding MAUs.
Maybe you can take it up with accounting?

How many goalposts do you have there Kangyboy?

  1. Exp off does not provide a buff or make them stronger. Blizz tweet says otherwise.
  2. Twinks pad MAUs. Everyone pads MAUs due to increased leveling time.

What next?

Q1 showed us how powerful a free to play version of major title can really demonstrate success.

Well if this thread stays up, which literally promotes the debuff.
We can all make a clear decision on what stance is taken on it.

Very simple.

Exp reduced by 95%, ability to equip beneficial items and actually play the gear part of an mmo increased by 100% I guess. Also increases willingness to play the game 100% as it’s the only part of SL that has been any fun

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it’s weird how certain rewards scale and others dont. theres a ilevel 140 glaive dhs can get at level 48.

ive written it out step by step on these very forums. i dont think blizzard cares.

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Why do you care you support twink behavior.

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yeah I know but all it’s doing is driving people out of PVP. SL is a mess for PVP all over the place.