When will the Dev patch notes come out for the new beta build?

Hoping maybe some tuning and other stuffs being addressed not just all Shammy today. When will the notes be released?

The best answer is: when the build is done being loaded and they’re ready.

A less condescending answer is: 2-5pm PST is usually the best time to look for the notes.

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Given the recent weeks, about 1 hour after the beta servers are up with the new build and the changes are already data mined & compiled on mmo-champ/wowhead.

Just hope more was done and its not all shammy this patch and I hope my server has BG’s back up it was all M+ people for an entire week sucked

There’s a lot of stuff still to do besides shammies (iterations for which will continue till just before launch). Professions systems still need some work. A lot of the end-game systems are still beset by bugs or not yet fully implemented and the major end-game events are not yet really tested plus lots more…

Im now more intrested in why patching a dozen servers takes 5+ hours and theyr isnt even a patch DL yet for beta

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They do a lot of changes each week. They usually have to internally test what they are releasing in the weekly update on the beta to make sure there are no fatal errors. As a result some things they were intending to add may get delayed changing the notes at the last minute. The patching is not what takes 5+ hours and the actual content of the patch may not be finalised until just before it hits the servers.

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Well they need to be more prepared because this is beyond way too long. If a patch is that broken they shouldnt release it at all

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beta server down all day today … and there still down.

Yeah I have been back and forth all day since this morning…they want people to test this stuff, but, keep it down all day, we sure it’s even coming back up today ?

will prob be up tomorrow, just go relax have a good evening. sleep well all.

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Like usual, Shamans broke the game, easiest solution for this, just delete the class.


Actually, rumor has it that the DK raid buff broke the game

This is just stupid TEST IT before things like this happen. $90 well spend for this BS access

Lol, you are so entitled


Guess so thanks for your 2 cents

It’s impressive how many players have never been in a beta before.
The servers might be down until tomorrow. Guess what? That’s normal. It’s a test environment. They might come up and then be taken down 2h later – completely normal.


For 90 dollars? Yes

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Lol, they could fully close the beta realms and it would be reasonable and understandable. There is zero guarantee of anything when it comes to betas or ptr’s or testing

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Exactly this.