It’s like their whole thing. Lore identity, core of the “dps”, IT’S IN THEIR EFFING NAME!
Why can’t they come back to life in shadow form?
Shadowform increases their dps by 10%. Is there a dark shadow form that increases it by 15%? Maybe a pitch black shadow that’s probably actually a hole form that increases it by 20%? No. So why can’t they just res in normal shadow form?
It’s just silly that they never resurrect in shadow form.
There was a time where shadow form was tied to the spec. If you were specced in shadow, you were in that form.
People wanted to be able to see their transmogs without the effect all the time. As I recall, there were many forum posts begging for a toggle back.
If you don’t want to click shadow form when you rez, just set a macro to one of your spells to check that shadow form is active and if not, it activates it. Maybe VT.
If you need help, let me know.
Aneurysm recommended pairing the macro I posted below with devouring plague. Definitely a preferable pairing if you want the macro to have a spell tied to it.
It still sucks in a bg when you have to stand in the gy spamming 2 gcds (shadow and stamina) before you can get back into the action
Edit: yes I realize you don’t have to, but I agree, if you die in shadow you should rez in shadow
Yeah I get that. It’s one more thing added to the mental stack. Even after all these years I still forget sometimes.
I don’t want to go back to no option though. That was more annoying imo.
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they should give shadow a glyph that removes shadow form visuals.
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There is a glyph that reduces the effects, but theyre pretty dead set on “readability” I don’t think they’ll move away from the visual like that.
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I remember trying to make a macro like this a while back that “checks if (x) is active when casting (y)” and people saying that it wasn’t possible— is there actually a way to do this?
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I believe so, give me a few to look it up. It’s worked for cat form on my druid, so I’ll check
Here is the macro.
#showtooltip Shadowform
/cast [nostance:1] Shadowform
You can then add any spell under it if you want it to function as a chosen spell too. Keep in mind though that Shadowform activates the global cooldown, so when you first swap into form you’ll need to wait for the GCD before casting. It shouldn’t kick you out of Shadowform once you’re in it though.
Yeah. There’s a noform conditional. I use it on power word: fort so that I gain shadowform before I buff.
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Good idea! Too many times will I be rezzed mid combat and not realize I don’t have shadow form on till I used some CD’s. Very rough. Wish it was auto on like hunter pet abilities.
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Imo would best be paired with Devouring Plague since you literally are not allowed to use Devouring Plague unless you are in Shadowform.
yeah~very annoying ,my shadow has been in void space and dimension forever,essentially already composed of shadow and void power,regardless of alive or dead.
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Way worse as a shaman, it’s 4 globals to fully buff.
Skyfury, Windfury Weapon, Flametongue Weapon, Lightning Shield, Earth Shield. Then you get to mount up and die in 3 globals when you get there. Repeat every time you die in a bg.
Or we could make it a cosmetic spell and just have our damage be naturally occurring rather than tied to a long outmoded concept that has been repeatedly reduced in value and worth until it was little more than a stat buff we have to reapply again and again.
Believe it or not, people do like pressing buffs. They just need to persist through death. Certain buffs should also just not be purgeable. I also don’t think Earth Shield should have charges, it already has an internal cd and I’m taking multiple talents just to be able to use it.