When will latest expansion ",,,Within" be available for Mac?

When will latest expansion “,Within” be available for Mac?

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Been playing it on my Mac since EA last week. Like all other WOW expansions it was simultaneously released for Windows & Mac.


it may have been released for Macs, but it no longer works on mine. It tries to launch, but gets stuck at the character screen and freezes my Mac and I have to force a shut down and restart.

before the new expansion it worked very well. i’m glad i held off on buying the new exp.

in reality any intel mac is on borrowed time. even if you stay on macOS 13.6, which was last super stable release for intel macs, that will only last so long

a lot of freezing occurs on intel macas running macOS 14 or later. I doubt macOS 15 when it ships will improve that any (probably make it even worse). apple is only fixing bugs or improving OS around their new apple silicon hardware and blizzard can do little about this as they have no control over what apple does or doesn’t fix in the OS and kernel drivers.