When will high elf fans stop demanding more?

Blizz and the whole monkey paw thing is a meme for a reason. There’s just something in the water with Elf fans though, where it becomes so incessantly obnoxious hearing about it every five minutes that you start rooting for the monkey paw out of spite.


No investigation, no right to speak.


Maybe its its because of the anti high elvers who wont shut up about new options that wont have an effect on them being added whining how it shouldnt be added.


Maybe its its because of the Alliance is do the always do be right correct Blue me like Blue Alliance Blue alfbleu Blue


lol? Because I won’t “investigate” the hyperbole hurricane that is twitter? Yeah, no thanks. That leads to brainrot. Good luck, tho.


they got everything except the one thing they asked for

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It isn’t really midnight yet and already we are back at the high elf debate again.


Wrong, you turn purple and also your lore is vastly different.

Blood elves have no reason to be neutral.

so? The optics are the same. Blizzard has no reason to add yet another elf race at all. Infact I think we will move away from adding nonsense races and add those people actually want now that most fans are pleased with the current model. Like Forest Trolls or ogres.

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While I get where people are coming from (being someone that has wanted to play Broken/Krokul since BC) the whole analogy of ‘I ordered x but got y’ doesn’t really apply.

The more apt comparison would be that you were expecting a specific thing, but were given something different and you didn’t like it. You weren’t asked what you wanted.

I get that HE fans feel that Blizz has been ‘dangling a carrot’ all these years with the Silver Covenant, but no one who plays this game is owed anything. We are part of a story that we as players are experiencing, not dictating.


Blizzard esentially gave them normal elf looks on the void elves now. They changed it twice to make it fit. Blizzard will not add a third identical elven race just so like 5 people still demanding it can be happy. It is time to add other races now that are equally popular.


I agree, yes. If they wanted to appease the constant whining… at most, they could add a toggle to turn off certain visuals for racials like Entropic Embrace or offer different VA options (which is a bit of a stretch in of itself) but adding another Thalassian elf especially when they share no major differences other than political alignments and ideologies at this point would be kind of ludicrous.


We have 3 “neutral races” in which the only difference is their political choice - Alliance or Horde. If that’s your stance then you must really really be annoyed by Pandren, Dracythr, and Earthen. And yet no complaints about any of those options - so what’s the harm in adding a 4th?


Tbh I think no race should be relegated to being customization, not even high elves. Midnight would be the perfect opportunity to add them, and forest trolls for Horde.


Except HEs already exist on the Alliance (and Horde) which separates their political ideologies, they’re just there under a slightly different name with slightly different customizations. You’re asking for a race that already exists in all but name and racials.

The best comparison is Wildhammer. They have no distinct visual differences from their Mountain Dwarf counterparts aside from tattoos, so it makes sense why they wanted to limit resources and just add tattoos as part of the dwarven customization.

The same applies to Void Elves, they added visual differentiators so fans can play as a High Elf should they choose. Why waste creative resources when the race already exists?

I can definitely see wanting the option to toggle racials, because Entropic Embrace is visually very jarring if you’re trying to RP as a High Elf and I’m entirely down for adding more and more customizations as the game goes on to cater to that but an entirely new race would be a disappointing waste of resources when other non-elf races are withering away for lack of content.


I can only assume that’s your version of the Mc Oz

Because the blood elves have history with the Horde and did more then the allied races or Goblins to deserve that loyalty.

And High Elves didn’t?

High elves are alliance. High elves happily slaughtered blood elves when a human ordered them to do so. There is a feud with them and it was Vereesa and her people who started it. It is the High elves who need to apologize not the other way around.


Twitter is a cesspool of terminally online degenerate reprobates

This is so petty and childish. Do it more.