When will devs stop having favourites

i want to know why the game persists on nerfing classes/specs when they are in no need of them given they are mid-bottom of the rankings. Yet continuously give love to a cluster of others who dont need it, its ridiculous. the devs talk about increasing enjoyment and balance within the game but its never the case.

UH dk’s finally had some viablility and respectable rankings for raid and now they have been nerfed through the floor…

whats up with the evoker deep breath? you fly over crap on the floor and cop a crap load of damage? awesome spell… clunky as F

but hey. lets just leave Ret alone. better yet increase their self healing… at the expense of the other two’s game styles… Prot has become nothing more than a ret pally with a shield…

an abosolute Joke.


Try being a lock and having to beg for buffs the last two updates bc blizz refuses to accept you exist.


well, bm is begging for aoe buffs since expansion release but every time they do something they bug it out and end up reverting most if not all the buffs to it

Same with warlocks. They “buff” a certain hero tree but after it gets released we find out that the buffs werent even enough to catch the already prevailing hero tree so the buffs were worthless.

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Raid tuning is more or less fine. Mythic plus will always be awful tuning until they remove aoe hard caps or make them standard