When we gunna see more hero talents?


Long awaiting to see the Sentinel talent preview. There are also quite a few other. They were coming out every 3 weeks, and it has been 25 days. /cry



They’re probably realizing just how much work it is to balance 3 mini talent trees for every class, while making sure to design meaningful talents that are impactful and not DOA.

I have no idea why they chose hero talents as the direction to go, it seems like such a nightmare to manage


Agreed. They haven’t even ironed out all the issues with current trees. Another expansion of iterating on them would probably have benefitted both Blizz and the players.

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I am in a hurry to not be happy with the rest of the shaman options

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Probably a new ability called Sentinel Shot, and then a few talents that increase its crit chance.

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Yeah most of them are already out, kind of annoying if your spec isn’t released yet.

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They briefly revealed the disc talent tree and immediately got flooded with feedback of how bad it was. Then they commented they were going to take another look at it lol

I’m bracing myself for a mess when WW launches.

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Yeah, there’s only a few shiny ones with most either being bad or really really boring.

For an expansion feature, hero talents look like they are going to be lackluster.

I know I’m super excited for my “play exactly the same way you have since SLs” Shado-Pan tree. (/s if it wasn’t obvious)

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Yeah, I haven’t been terribly excited about any of them. I’ll probably just pick whichever set of talents has the least impact on my gameplay.

Well, current WoWHead speculation is that WW will have to use Conduit for AOE and Shado-Pan for single target…I am not excited about that at all.

My guess is anytime in the next 3 weeks we will see the remaining 11 hero talent trees, plus the 2 reworked trees, too, of lightsmith and oracle.

They usually release them on Wednesday or Thursday, and I think there was a Friday released few, too, but it’s mostly been Wednesday and Thursday releases.

They announced the ones for their Usual Favorites.

Everyone else will be an afterthought. I called it back in December when they were announced:

And they haven’t even got all the current talents tree balanced…

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Fair, except for priest… especially Shadow Priest, they hate my main spec. And continually show it.

I think a lot of us are just really angry that Shadow Priests get a revamp every 4-5 months in this game, while other specs go for years without developers even looking at them.

I get that a lot of SPriests aren’t HAPPY with the constant reworks, but Shadow definitely gets more attention than perhaps any other spec.

Aren’t they already re-doing the Shadow parts of one of the Hero Talent trees? That’s the kind of attention other specs could only dream of. You think they’ll ever do anything about how garbage the Shado-Pan tree is? I doubt it.

BTW, they should scrap Hero Talents entirely and instead finish the main class & specs trees introduced in Dragonflight.

Because a lot of the current class/spec trees are garbage and haven’t gotten nearly enough work (some - none at all).

But Blizzard’s “game design” is always about marketing and Hero Talents are something they can market in their sales pitch. “We finished the job we started for Dragonflight but left half-done” doesn’t have a good marketing ring, so they’ll never finish what they started.

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Wow- well done. Brewadomus nailed this one.

I’m worried this is going to turn into covenants. Failing to separate class fantasy and player power didn’t turn out so well last time.

Hopefully people don’t get their heart set on a certain one.

Nah that’s the disc/holy spec they are redoing. They haven’t even brought out the other 2 and they are redoing that tree because of how bad it was and the massive backlash from it.

And us shadow mains are mad because they keep moving the Shadow tree away from what the class originally was designed to be and trying to make it a gutted version of warlock (my view of it), they keep putting out half done tree that has no synergy, constantly take away utility from priests in general. We had one amazing season and then nerfed it to the ground, and that was due to not the classes OPness but Blizzards choice in content we were good at. I’ve been playing Shadow main since BC and it’s just gotten worse as time has gone on.

BC and LK was the height of Shadow imo. Decent dmg and utility from ok raid healing from dmg and mana battery. We are supposed to be a hybrid dmg/heal spec not a pew pew hit all the buttons spec.

Thank you for coming to my TED Talk, lol

The Beta will be out soon enough and we will have more chances to see, feel, and offer suggestions about hero talents.

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