When to use Ardent def vs Ancient kings?

Pally has more impact cds that can really be misused. Im still very new and learning some basics

How do you choose in a situation between the two. Thanks

I don’t raid tank, so this advice is coming from a M+ perspective.

Ancient Kings is the more strict of the two, generally want to use it preemptively before taking a lot of damage. What constitutes “a lot of damage” is based on a number of other factors, how many SotR charges you have left, if LotP is on cd, etc, but generally try to treat this one as a major cd and pop it when you think you’ll have trouble surviving without it.

Ardent Def is a cd that has multiple applications, and giving you a straight answer is a bit harder. It can either be used proactively like Ancient Kings, just for the damage reduction, or as a cheat death mechanic. My general rule of using it is basically “Do I think I can survive until its back up again?” If so, pop it early and often, its our shortest survival cd. If you know the next pack is going to be one that could possibly overwhelm your healer, save it til then.

A lot of knowing when to use cds comes from A) experience and B) knowing the fights. So don’t be afraid to make mistakes, its the fastest way to learn :stuck_out_tongue:

The best way to use them when you’re learning is to use them to deal with ShotR downtime.

you use them when you expect to be taking damage that your healer can’t keep up with.

Best way to look at this is. You are learning a dungeon so you do small pulls, singular packs. Someone but pulls so you pick up the adds. When you pick up the butt pulled adds pop ardent defender to give your healer breathing room while dps goes ham.

Once you are familiar with dungeons and doing big pulls, you will know when you need it and when you don’t.