When to switch to resto?

A friend and I are leveling Shaman atm and we just hit 50. We have been leveling as Enh the whole way as its more efficient. I want to heal at 70 so i was thinking about respeccing at 58 when we hit Outlands.
Could i dungeon heal in a full Ele spec on the way to 70? Or is there a hybrid spec that would better support duo leveling and random dungeons on the way to 70?

I’m not super familiar with shaman, but heres my leveling exp. Maybe it can help.

I leveled through bc as feral, with enough points in Resto to get more mana regen.

So I healed as a feral druid. However feral talents do provide some benifit to healing. 20% bonus int.
Agi = spell power.

I healed dungeons all while leveling. And still heal all 70 dungeons with a feral spec. Have not done heroics yet.

Its probably doable, but you should find out how much value you are losing from non Resto talents, and decide if you can still output enough healing.

With full ele or hybrid, you will have to work harder or pay more attention or drink more often, but it should be doable.

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Don’t look up guides. Just look at your talent tree and read each one, discerning which has more value in regards to what you want to do.

If you want to be restro and deal damage too, then you can split points into both trees. For example, my priest is mainly disc and I have points in shadow/holy too. I can choose to only heal or I can do dmg too (half the time doing more dmg than DPS in my group). If I do both at the same time I’m going oom after each pull tho :slight_smile:

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Unless you want to lvl literally only in dungeons, just stay DPS spec and do a mix of dungeons and questing.

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Agreed. I don’t know about Paladin or Druid healing trees, but Shaman healing pretty much demands all the talents, it’s stupid.

I DID dungeon grind to 70 as full resto, but that was literally living in dungeon for 4 days.

In that thinking i think should i just go Elemental that way at 70 the transition to resto will have some of the gear bleed over

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I tanked dungeons as ret till BC stuff, no major problems

As a shammy you can’t heal tc dungeons as enh unless you want an absolute wipefest and have no respect for your team mates.

You can still heal in dungeons as elemental up to around level 68. Maybe even to 70 but you will be drinking every pull basically. Just FYI. You’re also going to pull healing aggro and there is very little forgiveness in your kit. It can still work however, kind of up to you. The bigger problem is that if you’re consistently healing people are going to get mad at you rolling on dps gear and healing gear unless the group has what they need already.

You’re going to want a resto spec if you plan on healing 58-70. Dungeons take about twice as long as questing does but the trade off is you smash through rep to 5999/6000 friendly and then can use the quests to go from honored to revered. I personally leveled in blocks; dungeon spammed as holy, switch to shadow to bang out quests, back to holy for new dungeons/rep, then back to shadow for quests again. It costs a little gold but I thought it was worth it to break up the monotony.

You should be able to heal as Ele for the first few dungeons in TBC, they are not hard at all. I did go resto on my (mara boosted) druid alt to heal, and no real gear with only had +100 healing with a few Agi only pieces and even I had no issue. So if you have decent caster/healer items it shouldn’t be difficult. I wouldn’t go resto until after 65+. More so if you don’t have a buddy as qsting solo as resto is not gonna be fun. If you have a buddy then you can go resto at any point and just be their personal healbot.

I never intended to heal in Enh spec. Im debating whether i can effectively heal in full Ele spec or a hybrid Ele/Resto spec that i could still use for questing.

Long as you have some healing gear and know your spells it won’t matter that much until heroics.

It’s possible to heal all the normals at 70 in full enhance spec if you’re with people who know what they’re doing.

I understand the loot aspect, as I leveled my Druid tank seeing people roll on clear tank gear was upsetting because iTs aN uPgRaDe especially when i often passed on DPS gear that was an upgrade. Id mostly just focus on the healing gear i think anyways since that would be my endgame plan anyways

My Shaman leveled to 70 as Elemental & also main-healed regular TBC dungeons as needed (in all the same spellcasting type gear) during her 58-70 TBC climb. It’s not as “full-featured” or optimal as Resto to do so, but still easily doable for any decently skilled player with some basic healing experience.

Similarly, I have also main healed a few TBC dungeons already on my almost-64 Feral tanking Druid as well - though I do still have my full T2/T1 Classic raiding Resto gear set (also fully-enchanted) to swap to for that. Works fine, especially since I hate Tree Form anyway.


Onyxia got solo’ed by a level 60 paladin back in classic vanilla, he knew what he was doing, but it is not the optimal thing to do.

If you all level together it should be fine. You would be slower than both of you ele, however, you may find dungeons faster with you running resto.

Good call! And yeah that would be super frustrating, I would definitely not do runs with people rolling on literally all the gear just because they could use it at some point.

If u dont already have healing gear then id get to outland and do some of the intro quests as ele so u can use int gear and still do dmg till u think u have enough spellpower to heal

If you are always grouped with another guy then you do not need to worry about building for damage of your own. Just go healing and put earth shield on him. He will wreck everything in sight.