When Time Needs Mending Once Per Account?

Is the Time Rift Weekly quest only once per account? I did it on one character but it wasn’t available on any of my others


I think there is some type of requirement in order for it to be available.
It was not available for me on a level 70 alt I have, but two other alts that I hit 70 months ago it is available to them.

It looks to me like it’s a hot mess. My first character waited 20-30 minutes before anything happened but completed the event successfully once it started. My second character was inserted into an event already underway. She only participated in the last minute and a half of the preboss portion then went in and killed the boss with everyone else. My third character was told to immediately enter the rift. Upon entry, the boss was already dead and everyone was already gone. When she left the rift, she was no longer in the event so did not complete it. I’m currently on my fourth character who was offered the “When Time Needs Mending” quest and is waiting for the event to start.

Like I said, a hot mess.

Edit: Fourth character completed the event and the quest successfully getting around the same amount of rewards as the first character. So two successful runs, one limited run, and one complete waste of time run.

I’m having the same issue. I’ve tried on several alts and was only able to complete it on my first character.


I sure as hell hope not, Activision call this an alt ‘catchup’ mechanic, it’d be kind of idiotic to call it that if it’s intended to be one character account per week, meaning only ONE alt can be geared up per two months.

I have the same issue. It was available on my main but not my alts.


Update: 4 other 70 alts and no quest on them. Logged on a 65 alt to check and he could get and complete the quest. Can we please get some clarification.


This event clearly needs work.

The weekly quest for catch-up gear may or may not be available, and it does not appear that availability has anything to do with progress in the various campaigns.

The rare drop item that on use is supposed to guarantee loot from the boss doesn’t work - use item, no loot.

There are several other quests (award more of the currency and rep) that should appear during the first phase and at the end of the second, sometimes they appear, sometimes they do not, and even when they appear, the giver is some tiny NPC on the floor and damn hard to spot with the 100000000000 players everywhere.

LAG - enough said.


My experience with this quest so far is that I’m able to pick it up on characters who I’m logging into for the very first time since the patch went live. If I’ve logged into them previously since maintenance ended, the quest isn’t available.

Once one character on my account has picked up the quest, every character on my account has it, even characters who have already completed the quest this week.

Finishing the quest on one character removes it from all my characters’ quest logs, and then I’m able to pick it up again only on characters I haven’t logged into at all yet since the patch.


This is accurate from my experience. I tried 5 different alts that I had previously logged on since yesterday, no quest (after finishing quest on main). I logged on an alt for the first time, flew to the NPC and quest was available.

Same so far out of only 4 out of 10 toons had the quest up. Not a real patch with huge bugs…

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I tried this, it worked on one but on another I actually watched the weekly quest disappear right in front of me before I could accept it.


I had the quest on all my alts, but once the Time Rift event starts it disappears from the quest log…

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It’s okay, guys. Just do Dragonsbane Keep instead, like Aiding the Accord wants you to.

This appears to mimic the behavior of the catalyst quest in season 1, which confirms a suspicion I had that they accidentally flagged this particular quest with that same account-wide behavior.

Shouldn’t be difficult for them to fix, but who knows honestly.

Can we get an update on this? Is it bugged or is it working as intended?

I have done Time Rifts on 9 characters. 3 of them got the When Time Needs Healing quest, the first character I did it on (not surprising) and two that had the Aiding the Accord : Dragonbane Keep quest, not the Aiding the Accord: Time Rift quest.

We miss you! Come join us on Mal’ganis! <3

same for me

CS support page has been made, looks like its working as intended: https://us.battle.net/support/en/article/339842