When people go to "https://worldofwarcraft.com/en-us/" & do a search for our guild, we do not come up listed

I am the GM of the guild ‘Gods of War’ on the Khaz’Goroth server, when people go to “https://worldofwarcraft.com/en-us/” & do a search for our guild, we do not come up listed, there are 33+ results of Horde & Alliance guilds on all the realms… but we are not one of them, despite having been formed back in 2007. This affects our recruitment as newer guilds show when searched for. This is not a new issue & I have reported it a few times over the years but nothing was ever done. It happens regardless of who does the search, or the browser used, so it is not an ingame issue, or have anything to do with addons. If you do a search for an individual guild member & find them, then you can click on the guild tag on their page & it will then display the guild info, but can’t be found if just doing a search for the guild by name.

EDIT: It’s 3hrs later & someone must have noticed my post, as now it is showing 83 Guilds with that name… & we are one of them. Thanks for sorting that, they should have made a post to get the credit hehe.