When is your bed time?

Well, I turned 40…and by 930, el sofá be calling my name

When I wanna🤷🏻‍♀️

i am old so sometime between 8pm and 1am if i catch my second wind.

When is your bed time?

whatever time the wife says, lol


ugh…sounds like the last place the wife worked for well over a decade.
Shift was changing day to day…only knew what days she’d have off a week in advance and RARELY were they two days in a row.
Horrible for sleep or planning anything.
Did have great insurance, though…and her monthly premiums were only $40. …and she got like 160 hours vacation every year…so I guess it was a tradeoff.


LAtely, some time after midnight. Entirely due to eating habits.

I have zero appetite. Food rarely appeals to me. I eat twice a day.

Because maintaining my weight is an issue, I force myself to eat before I go to bed, ie, I can’t go to sleep until I’ve had my second meal.

I start considering my options about 8pm - and it usually takes until midnight for me to cave and just eat random stuff so I can go to bed.

This is the correct answer.

Get you a gradual light alarm clock too and you can choose when the sun happens!

I usually go to bed around 11:30 to midnight. I then watch YouTube vids for about 30 minutes, before I go to sleep.

I wake up around 7-7:30 A.M.

I say it’s 3am but I’ll usually “just finish this up” until 3:05 then lay in bed and check to see if there’s any thirst traps on snapchat for me to screengrab and then watch tiktok videos till 315am :laughing:
Up at 10:30 :+1:

Usually go to bed about midnight, and my alarm starts going off at 8:30. I work at 9:00, but I work from home so I’m usually hitting snooze until 8:57. LOL

Lately, thanks to enjoying my TBC Classic draenei, I’ve been going to bed about 1am.

I am a Night Hawk.

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Depends on if I had coffee at 5 or not.

Whenever i want im 45 NBD i can stay up as late or as little as i like…

Most the time I’m shooting for no later than midnight, though I have some nights I’m hitting 2-3am depending how the day went. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Usually between 9-10pm, as I get up at 5:30am for work :slight_smile:
Weekends, I try not to deviate too much - makes going back to work on Mondays harder.


I’ve never really played the game during regular hours, midnight onwards is when i get most of anything done

Around 8 or 9 but I get up between 4 and 5.

And you forgot the “huh!” they make when they aggro.

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Usually between 9:30 and 10:30 pm and get up anywhere between 5 and 6:30 am. Every 2 or 3 years I might stay up until midnight or close to it.