i usually go to bed around maybe 9ish turn youtube on since i dont have a tv in my room and just watch youtube or other programs i got like netflix/crunchyroll/cable if i got it. don’t often watch tv anymore though.
usually will knock out around 1030-11 though. wake up around 6ish even if its my day off.
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Of late?
Six in the morning.
Pacific standard, of course.
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Between 12:30am and 1:30pm eastern. I work midnights. I am currently goofing off at work.
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Around midnight or 11:30-12 ish. Just sort of been my schedule for a long while now.
Then I get woken up at 6-7am by the sun illuminating my room like an unwelcome naaru. But I’ll still go back to sleep for another hour.
usually crash for an hour after work then sleep for real after midnight
Probably later than it should be, usually go to bed around midnight and up again at 6am for work
Invest in some blackout curtains.
Between 7-8AM Eastern, usually. Living in that timezone too. Hated it at first but pretty accustomed to it now. It’s pretty cool doing any sort of random PvP during my normal playing hours since I play Alliance mostly and OCE Alliance dominate during that time.
Still get weirded out when I go out to get something in the early hours though. Something eerie about driving around a more rural town and down back roads at 3AM.
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But then I’ll never wake up. Just thirty more minutes I’ll say…
Lately it’s been 2-4am
I went to Vegas about a week ago and my sleep schedule has been messed up ever since
My bedtime varies. Last night I went to sleep at 8:30pm. I was just tired. So here I am at 3:49am typing this post.
It’s gonna be one 0f those days.
Time to make a pot of coffee.
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Around 8:30pm and then wake up at 4am to get ready for werk. Good times.
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what is this sleep you speak of?
I don’t have a sleep schedule. It’s a problem I’ve had for a very long time, but every time I try to correct it, it never really sticks.
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Sometimes I go to bed at 10 am and wake up at 11:30 pm. Sometimes I go to bed at 9 pm and wake up at 1:00pm it depends.
Anywhere between 2AM and 4AM.
I’ve done worse.
Used to work nights. Stayed up until 7AM so I could move my car due to a snowstorm and a parking ban. Still got 8 hours of sleep before my shift started.
Usually around 3-5PM (I’m a night owl, also I have inconsiderate neighbors.)