I remember them getting hinted at, just can’t remember if there was a hard live date for them.
Let’s not…
All that happened were icons were datamined, to which Wowhead jumped to the conclusion that Trader’s Tender MUST be purchasable with real money in the future yet Ion denied recently.
They are happening. I just can’t remember if a release date was given.
It’s not. Blizz cleared that up.
They aren’t.
They aren’t. There was an interview where they said they might include tenders in various bundles, like buying the ultimate edition of an expac, but there are no plans to sell them separately.
Did he deny they were happening at all or just in a recent patch?
No, they aren’t.
Well, that’s a shame then. I would have liked turning some of my gold into tenders.
no one cares really
You cared enough to post in here.
so i guess there is a high chance of us getting tender as one of the bonus items for getting the collectors edition for 11.0
wonder if Blizcon tickets might include some.
Might get me to buy a digital one then.
*** Tendies
There are no plans to monetize Traders tokens… until there are.
No, they aren’t. Recent interview stated as such.
Congratulations on being late to the party and showing your inability to read a few posts further.
People were grabbing pitchforks and torches when they saw the datamining. Goes to find out they’re going to be used for bonus stuff like with store mounts or most likely Twitch Drops as well.
Blizzard have confirmed in a blue post that they will not be selling Tender on the store.