A whole patch where every melee class has gotten new PvP talents, new abilities and insane amounts of frontloaded damage.
We got 75% damage increase on Final Reckoning and some “tweaks” to our Hammer of Light that should have never been needed in the first place if brains were braining.
Not including the numerous amount of bugs that are STILL in game.
The first day of the Paladin rework in DF servers went down for a split second and hotfixes were implemented. Then after more buffs, two days pass (Thursday) and more nerfs were put in play, a whole 5 days before a weekly reset which is when they usually add changes. WoWhead didn’t even have a chance to datamined changes that’s how fast they nerfed Paladin.
Its been 3 days of WW Monk, Frost DK, Arms Warrior 1 shotting every lobby.
When will Retribution specifically get decent buffs, we had 2 of our PvP talents removed and replaced with the most USELESS TASTELESS talents, every video/streamer has looked over these and laughed at how meaningless the changed for Paladin were.
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Pretty sure paladin is staying the basic/beginner class, which means they don’t get that many interesting or cool skills.
I agree, holy gets 12 pvp talents, prot 13, and ret gets a lousy 8.
Ret needs some pvp talent love.
Well tuning was posted and nerfs are coming (ww and mw need more nerfs imo alongside feral, bm, fdk)
I mean if we cant get an explanation on why hammer of light is doing less damage now than before then idk
They dropped more Tuning and hotfixes. Paladin was not touched in either.
When is “our” turn lol. You’re a paladin, blizzards baby. You’ll be fine, we got fat reworks not that long ago, and some decent buffs recently. I know there are bugs but give it a little time, they’ll fix it. It’s paladin, they’re never bad. This is from a PVP perspective though, so maybe you’re talking about PvE and in that case I can’t say too much, but I still doubt it’s terrible 
I noticed this and am currently swapping to herald testing things…
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Another that doesn’t know ret paladin history.
Uh… we spent more time being bad in pvp then mediocre.
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Lol I guess you all just can’t help complaining, but whatever. I’ll just continue to enjoy my paladin and feel amazing playing it knowing I have the best utility and defensives at my disposal 
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Let’s just say there is a reason why old memes such as “ret-tardin” exist. (It’s not rets complaining before you say this.)
We are not blizz’s golden child. Tha would be druids/warriors/mages. They are not allowed to fail.
I feel FV is doing half of what it should, BoJ and Judgment are doing about 60% of what they should, and Ret healing in pvp needs meaningful nerfs removed. The above is not because Ret damage is that low compared to others, but because Ret has no instant or near instant mobility, no MS, no Disarm, no invisibility, no knockbacks, less pvp useful CC than everyone, while its meaningful defensives can be instantly or nearly instantly dispelled while having no useful dispell of its own, and it is super easy to kite.
If a spec gets 0 pvp specifically useful tools and mediocre damage, it has no purpose in pvp. I’ll continue to instant cast Tranquilizing Shot BoP off of everyone that has it, knock players off ledges, be a sneaky boi in camouflage, and Stun/Root/Slow who I choose while anyone that sees a Ret use Steed does the same or casts fear on the Paladin. Ret needs a lot of help and Protection is about useless in pvp.
In the past few months lots of pvp tier lists have placed Ret in S tier but I dont know why.
Stigma. That is why. Everyone always thinks rets needs to be nerfed to the ground.
How we used to be in vanilla/bc/wrath is how they want us to be in pvp. Useless easy fodder to kill.
It seems like the general consensus is, if you died while a Ret Paladin was anywhere near you, the retribution player was the cause and it must be nerfed.
Okay I’ll agree with mages, mostly frost… I hate them.
Ret is completely fine the way it is. Divine Hammer is a nice addition.
Just watched a random BG of Lvladin’s on youtube ment to showcase the great Templar slash damage. He finished the match having done like 375million damage. Even taking into account that he leaves bases undefended to go where the team fight is, it is still a high number compared to my maybe 150million or so max in a random BG as MM. So maybe even with the weird talent and ability bugs and odd weak hits from FV it actual is Rets time to shine, if your skill can get you there.