When is Double honor Battleground weekends on Anniversary?

Pve gear is already much better than pvp gear. When will the double honor weekends start?

WSG this coming weekend I think.

After that AB then nothing then AV again.

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There hasnt been a double honor weekend on anniversary yet.

you get bonus honor on AB / WSG / AV weekend, this is the only faster gains that exist. Unless you’re asking for something new?

They’re not OUT yet im asking when tf were going to get double honor weekends… WHAT DATE

Was it AV this past weekend? I didn’t notice emissaries in the cities, but I’m new to the ally side, maybe I missed them?

I wasn’t paying attention while on NS, but should have been since it was also on era (same server and client) Fri - just this Mon.

Should be WSG this coming Friday, then would be AB, but perhaps it wasn’t any weekend and then this would be AV Friday. Caps are microscopic for the First weeks so not a terribly big deal, but we will know for sure Fri.

Yeah, it would’ve been great to know before hand this week is the most honor I’ll need until they unlock 12,13,14. (Since we’re capped at 11, but 11 is the mounts, I’m going to grind to hit ten asap and then maybe just minimum threshold to grind to 11 before p3)

There was NO pvp weekend this past weekend on Fresh, while AV was the PVP weekend on Era

I played AV in both versions, I checked for the NPCs on both versions.

I think there’s not a sure-fire way to figure out what the weekends will be right now.

Based on Blizzard’s track record for PVP weekends, it’s bugged and we won’t get a weekend this upcoming weekend either.

It seemed like it was AV weekend this past weekend because AV honor is much worst now it appears.

Last weekend would have been AB, but AB isn’t out yet on Anniversary. This week is the off week, then next weekend on the 31st it would be AV weekend.

In OG Classic, bonus BG weekends weren’t released until a later phase:

So we’ll find out next weekend for sure, but good chance we have no bonus weekends until a later phase if they do it the same way they did in OG classic :-1:

Crazy that we have zero information or a blue text about when Double honor weekends will release.

Is it tho?

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I thought honor weekends started on Thursdays.

Yet ? You don’t get to yet it yet. BGs just came out last week n yes last weekend was AB weekend so didn’t work. Next weekend is off weekend n after that AV.



WSG weekend on Era right now, ill check on NS later. Maybe its busted?

bg weekends weren’t enabled until ab (roughly 6 months in) in 2019 classic

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These garbage phased launches have to go. Launch each fresh server as if it’s a 2006 new server.

Without phases, half of the melee in the game would be running around with servo arms right now.

That doesn’t mean they can’t launch bg weekends from the start

There is no point in launching a new server with all content unlocked. It would not last long at all