When is corruption being removed?

The pre-order says Shadowlands is December 31st and I know Shadowlands isn’t going to have corruption. However, I really don’t want to waste my money to play a not-rpg. The current state of the game has no more class fantasy, it’s just waiting for a corruption proc that every other class has.


Who cares? It will be nerfed out once you level in the expansion anyway.


/raises hand … corruption is not that fun of a game system at all or anything like it


I guess it is too bad you are stuck with it until the expansion.

Corruption will be a thing until you outlevel it.

That said, expansion will PROBABLY release Late Nov/Early-Mid Oct.

agreed i know it decreases my overall dps, but i don’t care i get rid of all corruption when i get it, i don’t see a point to it. instead of balancing classes to make them more appealing, they throw corruption in and say, have at her. great more rng.

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Jesus that’s even worse news, I was hoping there would at least be like a prepatch a month or so before to remove it. But it’s going to be in until we outlevel. Definitely going to dip out.

The systems will probably all still be there, they’re not breaking anything this expansion like they did with legion.

Your neck will still work, azerite gear will still work, etc.

When an Alliance player gets a face full of Twilight Devastation, i feel a sense of satisfaction and enjoyment. Likewise, when I’m out doing stuff and a small rabbit or beetle next to the mob I’m fighting, eats an Infinite Star, I get a chuckle out of that!

It’s probably going to be like legion legendaries. Though those are pretty much killed in shadowlands with the effects removed. So who knows.

Why would they remove corruption to begin with? Its completely optional and the effects while really powerful aren’t much different than the way a trinket functions at the end of the day.

The only reason why they had to break the Legion artifacts was because some of the abilities were getting moved into baseline specs and they didn’t want to waste time re-doing the traits.

honestly as long as they don’t give us anymore power creep legendaries, like artifact weapons or the hoa.

We still don’t know how legendaries will work (but they will be 100% targetable, so that’s a good thing), and we have no clue how they’ll handle covenants going further into the expansion.

Optional? Lol wut ?

Because the corruption system is / was a terrible idea … is not really that fun … takes away from char/class … etc. that’s my humble opinion of course with the caveat being that I think it’s plainly obvious by now most paying subs don’t like it … and those that let there subs run out I’m guessing are totally dismayed that was the direction Blizzard took

Right! I mean nothing more fun than your TW proc’ing and wiping everything off the screen!

It really just cracks me up IRL, there is actual joy to be had in this.

Did you read about the dude recently on GD, that tried to sneak up on a player afk at an FP but that players TW proc’d and he got deleted? :rofl: :rofl:

He was RAGING about it! I laughed my butt off for real, was so funny!

I don’t think you understand the post you quoted.

You might not like corruption. That is a perfectly valid opinion. But there is literally not reason to remove it from the game in 9.0 because it will become obsolete by new gear very quickly. It also has no real impact on the game other than for 120 max level character.

They said all the BFA “systems” will be disabled in SLs but restored once you leave and go back into the “old world”. So you probably have a few months before SL launch.

I think they might do something similar to what they did to replace legion legendaries. Quest items will drop upgrades that will be equivalent to ilvl 500 or higher gear (but the actual number will be lower because they are also squishing ilvls in SL).

Big oof.

There’s no way they’ll keep the heart of azeroth essences in the game functionally. They will have to mark the neck as legacy and have them disabled. Vision of Perfection etc would be way too powerful otherwise.