When is a good time to start doing dungeons/raids?

Hey all, new player here and I am looking for opinions on what level is a good level to start doing raids and such. I am a lvl 51 Death Knight (unholy), I used the Level Boost included with the Shadowlands Expansion Pack.

For dungeons, you can start running them any time you want. Generally, I’d recommend getting used to the various dungeons in a dps spec before trying tanking or healing. (But especially tanking, as tanks are expected to lead the group.)

As you quest through Shadowlands, you’ll get quests for dungeons as you go along. That’s a great way to get your first runs in as it will go along with the story you’re getting while leveling.

As for higher difficulty dungeons like Mythic+ as well as raids, you’ll need to do some gearing before running them. In the case of queued contend like LFD for heroic dungeons or LFR for raid finder, the game will have a minimum ilvl to queue up. For the harder stuff, the group leader will set any requirements.

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If you want to do a few dungeons on your ride 50-60 that’s fine, but it’s slower exp than questing. After you hit 60, do world quests and queue for normal dungeons until your item level 155, but I recommend buying some gear on the AH first.

At 155, queue for heroic dungeons they drop 171 gear. If you want to take short cut to heroic dungeons and skip most of normal, buy some gear on the AH it’s super cheap now. I bought 6 item level 151 pieces for my second character for like 200-400 gold each. I also recommend the item level 200 dark moon trinket, which are also pretty cheap.

World quests scale with item level, so if you equip the AH gear and run some dungeons first, the world quests rewards gear rewards will get you higher item level gear.

Note: you can trade dungeon drops with party members. If someone gets a drop you need, inspect them to see if they need it. If not, whisper them asking if they need the item. Most of the time they give it to you if they don’t need it.

When you get to item level 170ish, you can apply for and start your own mythic 0 dungeon groups. Mythic 0 dungeons drop 184 gear. After you finish your first mythic 0 dungeon, you will get a mythic + keystone. See link below.

The easiest raid difficulty is LFR and you can queue in raid finder “I” key same panel where you queue for dungeons. In the same panel, you’ll see a premade group finder. This is where you start/find groups for mythic dungeons and normal/heroic raids

The first three queable LFR raid bosses are open this week. I have not looked to see the item level requirement to queue yet will check after lunch.

See icy veins class guides for rotation, talents, etc. before you form bad habits.

Anytime dungeons are available to queue for, it’s assumed you’re ready for them so go ahead and give em a go. When it comes to mythics all the above info already stated it.

I have to do Spires of Acension in my Kyrian chapter 2. Does this mean if I do not do that dungeon I cannot proceed to next chapters? Do all covenants have that requirement or did I just pick the wrong one?