When I tell boys I play WoW they back away

Please stop attempting to date children.

Sorry, not what I meant.

If that’s what you got from that, then i suggest you get some serious help.


Guys, relax.

I already gave her sound advice.

Go to goldshire.


Yeah someone told me (I only talk to elite gamers) that only toxic hardcore gamers play WoW. This isn’t even mentioning the gross stuff that has surfaced over the past year.

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See if you are looking for lasting love you have tell guys about your 2600 or if you are super bold talk about Gauntlet Legends. Which is better Pojo or BFG, I like Pojo myself.

Now if there is someone you really want to impress, go with Castlevania :SotN or Zelda…meh.

  • anything…

Lmfao nice /thread

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Yeah it must stink to meet girls who have standards :rofl:

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I only tell women I play WoW after sex.

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This gets a big /oof.

spins and exits quickly

Yeah, if you want to see confirmation bias, just post on the WoW forum lolz.

Most ppl here like echo chambers.

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This is where you gave away your Troll


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That’s another one, those that do often know what wow is, often question why on earth I’d support Blizzard in any way; “haven’t you heard the things going on over there? They treat their employee’s terribly, how can you support them in any way!?”

I’ve been playing for over 10 years now, the only way i’m quitting is when the servers officially shut down. No matter how disgusted i might be over what happened at blizzard, i’m not just throwing away 10 years of investment in my characters. Even if i was never a “hardcore” player, it’s still 10 years of progress, and friendships with guildmates, that these folks are telling me i should just abandon.

EDIT: yes i realize this is basically a troll topic, still, feel this is as good a place as any to vent that, the fact is, anymore, many other gamers criticize you if play WoW now, especially after recent events.


Looks around

This is the correct response correct?

Wait, what troll?

Yeah too bad you need a current sub to post on the forums :roll_eyes:
Reddit is so much better.
Btw I love Biggie Smalls.

Any wow criticism is trolling lolz


Me too baby.

Well, the guys of goldshire are very accepting. Go there and forget your troubles.