When/how can I buy a character recustomization thing?

I’d like to change the way my character looks. Different hair, etc.

When or how can I pay for this?

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This feature is not available in Classic. Yes, I have rerolled my gnome 3x now due to indecisiveness over its hair


No barbershop in classic.

I’m talking about the paid function.

I don’t see a problem why we shouldn’t be able to change our features. Leave namechanges out and faction changes off and no race changes, but let us at least change out face.


My hair sucks. Have no idea what I was thinking. Not too different than real life hair tho.

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Obvious troll is obvious.


You’re mistaken. This was a legitimate question.

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Won’t ever be available.

It’ll never be available. The vast majority of the Classic community is firmly against any kind of micro transactions. Implementing then would cost Blizzard more money than they’d make.

A legitimately stupid question that has been covered to the point of exhaustion. Please folks, use the search button.

Are you playing with the camera facing your front??? That seems really difficult

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I believe you. It is not likely that this will be a feature simply because it wasn’t in the the original game. Blizzard has stumbled on a new revenue stream whereby they put together a relatively tiny team to bring back the old content. It would not be worth the effort to develop these features for Classic, nor is it worth the risk of creating backlash form the #nochanges element of the playerbase.

If you are referring to your level 12 Warrior? The only option you have available is to re-roll a warrior and level it up… not too bad 1-12. Maybe 2-3 hours.

If it’s a higher level character… then you must decide which is important, the hours you invested or the look of your character.

In that case I apologize.


You won’t be able to, sorry Turtle of Doom.

You are not alone :slight_smile: LOL

I’m always suspicious when a person uses a character with 0 posts to make a thread that we all know has no chance of happening in Classic.

i’m curious how allowing a paid service to change the look of your character (not race, faction, server) is going to have any effect on the #nochange crowd other then it being a change.

It’s literally just QoL that has 0 effect on you. What gives?


It’s really, really simple. The hint is in the name, “classic”.

There’s tons of QoL stuff that don’t have an effect outside of the player themselves. The only problem is, where do we draw the line?

Some will say this is fine, some argue flying mounts are fine. When the community can’t agree on a line, the line is just reverted back to its original state. Or as you’ve probably heard #nochanges.

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Okay, but, here’s the thing. Flying mounts change the game undeniably. That’s like comparing apples to oranges.

This actively effects no one but the people who want to change their appearance. It’s not like it’ll make a difference to other players- It wont make your experience any worse then it is now, and unless you can provide a good argument as to how it is anything other then a purely quality of life on the same level as the current quality of life changes we have in game, I see no reason why it can’t be in.