When have you felt the most insulted in WoW?

That’s not something that’s likely to ever happen, friend.

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This story reminds me of the times I got grouped with a Paladin Tank in Siege of Orgrimmar during 5.4, when SoO was current rather.

I was on my Nelf Hunter, trying to do the last tier in LFR SoO, and the tank kept whining about how the group was entirely crap (did I mention this was on a monday night before the weekly reset? lol). While yes, the skill level of the group was kinda low, even by LFR standards, but I digress, we were progressing. And it did not help matters much that he insisted on using strategies for bosses that, I assume, works for his guild mates because he kept complaining that “it works with our heroic raid group!” Well, mate, we aren’t your fricking guildies, why not just do strategies that work for everyone? I blocked him, and I assume he tried getting me kicked out because there was this huuuuuuge pause before the 3rd attempt. Well, that, or he was having a temper tantrum that I did not bare witness to.

That’s the day I decided that I would rather play with 24 bad players with great attitudes than suffer 1 drama queen with a crappy attitude.

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Pretty much whenever this dev team does something.

Semper Fi! :us:


When a fellow Rogue told me I was the worst Rogue ever. While I am terrible playing a Rogue I would contend I am not the worst ever.


I was doing an outdoor quest elite, or something, in Legion. Another guy comes up, I’m “Blood” like now.

The outdoor quest elite is killing me, the guy says in general:

“Lols idiot, use your interrupt? Lols stupid newb!”

Then they said some more stuff about being a newb.

As you might guess, the mob wasn’t affected by any such things being elite.

Somehow it bothered me more, because they were saying it in general.

I just let it go, then a couple weeks later I had the BIS Legendary Chest/Shoulders already, as well as some other upgraded gear. Then I came back and easily soloed that elite!

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When they time gate flying, and dumbed all the classes down, over the last three xpacs.

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When the brand new HERO class…had a 2 button rotation.

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Anytime some random jerk discriminate me for being from a latin server.


First time I saw a goblin. I mean seriously dudes, they are at their best when booted into the air by me riding a firey elemental.


when the “officers” of the team I used to raid with told me to stop talking and writing due to people taking everything I said “negative” or “harsh”.

Oh boy, so true. :rat: :lab_coat:

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In the grand scheme of things, neither are a big deal, but:

  • Skipped most of Cata, came back on my Arms warrior late in the xpac, was doing random heroics to gear up. I’d had no luck with my weapon; the best drop I’d had was a 2H Agility weapon, which was miles better than my WOTLK sword in DPS, though missing Strength. Logged into a random, group leader says something about me wearing “Agility Gear” and calls me a noob, then I’m kicked from the group before I can say anything.

  • In Legion, we’d added a new guild member to our raid, removing a good-performing friend for the new guy, who had a major attitude problem. It was clear (to me, anyway) the new guy was running a rotation bot; when I pointed out my reasoning to an officer, he accused me of cyberstalking the guy because I’d poked into logs and previous raid history, etc. So I sent the info in to the hacks address, and two weeks later the new guy disappeared in the middle of our raid and never came back; it was the same night WoW did a huge purge of botters. Then that same officer started opining in Discord that the new raider had been a botter, as if he’d held that opinion all along. Pff.

You should have given him a chance anyway.

You never know, some people can play certain classes extremely well, even if the class/spec has been chopped into nearly nothing by Blizzard.

Sadly, that is all that matters.
You don’t bring a druid for DPS. If you wanted DPS you would have about 5+ melee ahead of them.

You bring them for their utility, and Feral has none of it, and this week especially you want some ranged so quaking doesn’t get out of control.

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OP, the time I was most insulted and enraged by some people at Blizzard was when WoD was coming out and they decided to take away flying.

Since then, I’ve been insulted by the “trust levels” on these forums as well as the allowance of rampant reporting for no valid reason.

Those last two things aren’t that important to me but those are the most recent things.
I guess really just the one about flying totally pissed me off.

I probably won’t forget it and I’ll probably remind Blizzard of it on occasion, too.
Why? Because I can. Never forget.

Oh ya, I did. He played relatively well!
That’s the nice thing about Feral and Enhance right now.
If you see a high score player playing those, you KNOW they are good at it.
Unlike a similar score rogue, who likely just got dragged along through keys because of their massive upsides.

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Every time i use a seal and get artifact power.


I don’t take games personally enough to be insulted by them.

Never felt insulted because it’s just a game to me not a job at all.

This thread: Option to have a male Dwarf with no beard

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