When does the Trading Post change

When does the Trading Post change up for the month?

In roughly an hour.


Changes at daily reset. 8am PST, Noon EST. Or in about an hour like Kennie said.

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Ah ok cool thanks I just started back up last week and the trading post stuff is still new to me.

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Well I’ll be damned! I never noticed the timer there before! Thanks a bunch!

You can also click the little gold thing near your tenders to show all the stuff currently available on the trading post if you feel like trying it out on alts without making your way or orgrimmar or stormwind. :dracthyr_blob_dance_animated:


Came back for a good one. This might be their best trading post yet.

PS - If there’s an item you liked in September but didn’t have time or the coins to get it, you can freeze it so you can buy it in October.

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Yeah I did that with the treasure chest backpack

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That xmog is great. I use it on my Dark Iron Dwarf.

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11am EST/8am PST is when the dailies reset, and monthly things like the trading post should roll over.

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