When does KSM end?

A few of my guildies are still trying to get this achievement for the mount and it’s unclear when they will be unable to do so. Does it go away on Tuesday, or does it continue past then?

Blizzard said Season 4 will end on July 22 at 10:00 pm PDT for NA.

I assume your guildies will have to get the achievement before then.


The only rewards going away with July 23rd are the 0.1% M+ Title Reward, and rated PVP rewards. It is only the competitive aspect of the season ending.

KSM, KSH and the teleports from +10s are still obtainable for M+. For raids, all raids will be awakened and you’ll still be able to obtain the mount from clearing all 3 on normal, the title from clearing all 3 on heroic, and the teleports from clearing all 3 on mythic.

These will be obtainable until the expansion launches. Blizzard hasn’t exactly clarified which date that will be due to early access so I’m going to say plan for August 20th as the date in which the rest become unobtainable. Thats the Tuesday before Early Access and Expansion Launch.


Thank you all!! Much appreciated!

what lorelei said.

Dungeons still exist, score isn’t reset, the only thing that happens is the title cutoffs are fixed.

this is a good push week. get going! lol

It’s a little harder now because if you are just starting, you only have one week to get the score and it’s only 3/4ths of the total score you would get for running the same level both weeks. If you already have all the fortified dungeons timed on 2 or higher, it won’t be too bad.

KSM is still available throughout prepatch, post season is still S4. You just can’t get the % based title.