When does AQ Gate Auto-complete start?

Yea, with Thalnos being a 1% alliance server, how can we hope to open the gates within the next week or so if there is no set date in place. Guess we just have to sit in limbo hell and stare at the numbers for a while…


Certain guilds on heavily imbalanced servers like Skeram were already prepared for this. And what are the numbers like on these ‘low pop’ servers? They’re probably still more than what was considered a full server 15 years ago.

Are gamers getting lazy? :monkey_face:

400 players is not more than what it was originally. Most full servers had over 2,000 people in vanilla.

On Arcanite Reaper, you will typically see less than 10 horde players in orgrimmar during peak hours. There are only two horde raiding guilds on the server. We also jsut had a mass exodus of alliance guilds since phase 5 launched. We literally don’t have the numbers to open the gates on our own for the next several months.

Oh, looks like there’s still one around.

Could use some clarification on the auto complete function from a blue. All we have right now is a rumor that it exists.

I hope they do something for the folks on Arcanite Reaper.

This is also an issue on Anathema. A few of our items haven’t ticked up at all or by a single turn-in. There’s no way that finishes us in 30 days.

LOL what a joke

@Kaivax, could we get some kind of update? The original post said 30 days, its been 30 days.

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Hopefully this is a bug. Send halp plz :frowning:

Clear information about how autocomplete will work in next weeks would be very welcome. Uncertainty is what drives people to the mega servers with queues.

There are no bugs in classic.
– Blizzard GM.

This is an intended feature.

So from tickets with a gm just recently a guildie did have it confirmed 3% per day. what wasnt confirmed was if it was overall or per item 3% but it is to be completed within 30 days of the 30 day since p5 launch

Well whatever its suppose to tick up per day it 100% hasn’t kicked in yet. Clarification here would be awesome, a ton of players are stuck wondering if they are going to raid AQ in 2 weeks or all the way into October.

A blue post on Thalnos AQ gates would be nice seeing as more and more are merging off and the server is dying.

But did they confirm it has started? Spreadsheet math and checking it today and yesterday points to no

Definitely interested to find this out.

The biggest joke of all is waiting an entire month and in your circumstance possibly more for the server to autocomplete turn ins while still waiting on a response from the 1 Blizzard intern working on Classic. :monkey:

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Someone on our Discord shared archived pages of the old war effort page. From there, I did a bit of digging and shared this on our Server Discord, and figured I would share here.
Feb 3rd, 2006 (31 days after patch 1.9): https://web.archive.org/web/20060203014729/http://worldofwarcraft.com/wareffort/servers.html
Mar 15th, 2006 (71 days after patch 1.9):

There are 3 servers that were unfinished on the 3rd, Frostmourne (51%), Twisting Nether (47%), and Azshara (46%). 40ish days later, on the 15th they were at 99% (a 48% gain), 97% (50% gain), and 92% (46% gain).

The auto-complete could have already kicked in for us, but it’s not going to be the 3.3% people thought it would be. Also consider that those 3 servers likely had people turning in materials, so I believe it would be less then 1.15% gain that Azshara saw each day over that period of time.

What that amount is, we can only guess as we don’t know how much of those materials were actually turned in by people, or if they hadn’t already completed various turnins, or what.