When does AQ Gate Auto-complete start?

Can we please get any information about when auto complete begins and at what rate will it be? I had assumed it would start this week. Arcanite Reaper was at around 44% completion on Tuesday, but there hasn’t been a significant increase in contributions. Horde Runecloth which is the lowest percentage done hasn’t moved up a single percent. I’ve been skeptical about the 3% a day rumor that was circulating around since it was never actually confirmed. I would like to see at least some information about it. The only blue post addressing this said “small amounts” being turned in.


After 30 days

30 days is today, but there was no official word on how quickly the automatic turn in will happen. Also, even if the turnins automatically complete, they did say that someone still needs to complete the questline to bang the gong for the gates to open.

(On Deviate Delight we are at 82% right now)


Every week I think it will tick up a little more after the 30th day.

The voices that were saying “Classic doesn’t have any dead servers! Every server is like a Full Vanilla server!”

seem to be absent as of late.


They should allow PVP servers with 99% dominance to transfer to Arcanite Reaper for free. That’ll fix it surely no one enjoys being on those types of servers as the dominant faction right?

Only a few servers have not completed it yet.

Did you play during Classic ? Some servers were much less populated. My server had only 2 major guilds ally side and one horde side.

Besides, with transfers, no one can really control the population flows. When people believe a server is not looking good, they leave it at once. Paid transfers should not have been allowed.


Alot of vanilla servers didn’t open their gate fast.


I’m wondering same. It’s supposed to start today. Our server is at about 91% overall. But the lowest individual quantities are at like 70%. Is the auto-complete a percentage per day per item? For example, if the lowest item is 70%, and it’s 3% per day, does that mean it will complete in 10 days? Or is it the overall, which would then be 3 days, as it’s currently 91%?

Can’t wait for this information.

Also looking for this information.

I don’t think they’re going to get that specific with us, we’ll just have to watch the turnins


Should find out tomorrow, I think.

maintenance is Tuesday.

Going to laugh if it is something like “starting from 0% X amount gets added each day/week” so if you are already over that amount then nothing will get added till it “catches up”. But without blizz confirming how they set it up will not know until it starts to happen…

@ OP AQ gates have been open for 15 years on retail.

Don’t think it waits for maintenance.

I looked at ours last might and it appears to have jumped about 1.5% overall overnight, with the the lowest quantities jumping like 2-3%.

So I think that answers my question. It looks like the the lowest quantity controls. So, for example, a server could have everything complete except for one item at 50% and it would take like a month for it to auto-complete if nobody turned in any more.

I thought it was 2 months to unlock without input from players. This is just what i had heard in-game when asking around, second by guildies and trade chat.

The auto-complete starts after 30 days. Yesterday was the 30th day. Some said the auto-complete was 3% per day, based on what they remember from vanilla. But that was never confirmed by Blizzard for Classic afaik. 30 days plus 3%*33 days = about 2 months, if nobody turned in anything.

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Our lowest quantity still hasn’t moved more than 1% over the last 24 hours.