When does anyone have time to do SoO in 1 sitting?

There’s 13 bosses, and if I leave, I can’t join another raid, I’m locked to a specific ID.
I don’t have time to do 13 bosses on any given weekday.
But I need too many Bones of Mannoroth, that only drop from this raid.

Where’s the logic here? What’s with the ID locks? 13 bosses or bust?

Also, why is it my greatest sin being level 70 without gear I can’t get until level 70? I feel virtually useless at 70 compared to all the other levels.
To get the neck, I need to do all the raids. But I can’t do 13 bosses in 1 sitting, if I even get an invite since I’m a useless fresh 70 so how do I get the neck/gear?|

This appears to be circular nonsense unless I cheese gear/bronze somehow… ?
Not viable. Not “overpowered”. Not an “accelerated experience”.

Not fun.

What even is this game mode?


You don’t need to do them ALL in one day. You could do half, or whatever amount, then join a different run a different day.


I am interested in Bones of Mannoroth which appear to only drop off last boss.

So join a run that’s at Garrosh or some boss that’s not the first like, 5-6?


non-existent, I’ve been looking.
Still need the neck from completing.
multiple oversights by blizz.

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I literally did Spoils to Garrosh an hour ago. This sounds like you looked once, for 4 minutes, then said “oh man im getting gatekept this is so bad”

It’s day like, four.


Wait this version doesn’t have the skip scroll to Garrosh?! Sounds like a big oversight for sure to have removed it.

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You’re making up scenarios in your head and putting quotes around them. Just so you know, we can all see.


Just wait until you get to Dark Animus. I’ll wait for your post on that too.


What’s the problem with waiting for a half-finished run to save your lockout to? Considering the ONLY boss you want is Garrosh, and the fact that you’ll need to do the entire raid once for that necklace you want anyway, whether you run it all in one go or join mid-way through.

Again. It’s day four. You have 90 more days.

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The necklace that “I want”? When people are vetting gear to get in? But to get in you need the necklace or frog farm?
You’re trying really hard, bud. Trying and failing.
And as you already know, I don’t have “90 days” to get the bones. I told you, I’m a valuable member of society, so I leave my home, and work, and have standards. We’re different people, little fella. You can keep on trolling because you don’t understand intentional circular design. That’s a good boy :dog2:


My raid stranded at Klaxxi after 5 hours. I extended my raid lock and made my own group the next day and we stomped Klaxxi and Garrosh in an hour.

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congratulations, it took you 2 days to get 1 bones of mannoroth. I appreciate the feedback.

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Thanks but this works for heroic too which drops more bones.

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Thank you again. I appreciate/


You literally don’t NEED to frog farm, or have a necklace to get into Normal SoO. It was literally the first raid I cleared of all of them - FOR the necklace.

All I know is I wont change your mind, you seem unreasonably set on the fact that if you’re not getting instantly invited to every SoO running group, to only fight Garrosh for the bones, then it’s somehow Blizzards/my fault for not letting you in.

Maybe it’s just not meant to be for you. I don’t know, I’m not in your head and I sure as hell wouldn’t ever want to be.


Just start a group with “frog farmers only, link cloak” in the description. The whole raid will probably take 30 minutes


there you go making up headcanon again. You dropped the quotes this time so I guess that’s progress.

What are the ilvl breakpoints would you say for Hero and Myth?
2 raid leaders told me 330 Norm so far.

Wow, you are really hostile.

I get that your frustrated but maybe dial it back when someone is trying to help you.


he hasn’t helped me yet. Only trolled, twisted words, and tried to put words in my mouth. You’re pretty annoying with comments like that though.
Let’s see if either of you will answer my ilvl question.