When do you think blizzard will start enforcing RP names, and will deal with rp griefers?

if the goal is to bore the non-RPers off the realm that will do it.

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No. Why should role players have to hide in the shadows on a RP realm? This is a RP-PvP server, it belongs to us. If they don’t want to abide by the naming conventions and the rule set there are PLENTY of other realms to go to that don’t have them. They can be LĂŁwlėrskĂ„tĂ«s on a regular realm. Why come here? It’s so much less effort to just go to a regular realm. Like, seriously.


Yaaaaaaaaaaas, preach :raised_hands:t2:

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why are you @ing me? I’m just saying a mature intelligent discussion isn’t going to solve the problem. it’s up to players to enforce the rules. by reporting names.

also guilds advertising as RP that have member with names like PewPewYou should be called out. in game. not here. there’s already enough drama on the forums and I think it’s against ToS anyway.

tbh I’ve been mostly ignoring it. but the names are getting more and more obnoxious and I’m starting to feel outnumbered.

People will never get in trouble for griefing RPers sadly.

I don’t think RP griefing is easy to report at all. Unless they’re doing obvious things like shouting reportable junk, there is really nothing Blizzard can or will do, especially when things have a PvP solution on a PvP server. Fight back, or don’t it’s up to you - this is Blizzard’s official stance.

Report the obvious names. Ignore the stupid players. PvP where appropriate. Play and have fun despite the people trying to ruin your experience.

Remember to gank your local PvP bro


As echoed – Report and move on!

Nothing wrong with Alt codes, they are allowed. Plus they help cut down on random whispers.


Because xxxlēàș‡à»làž„Ćžxx is worth protecting as “iTs AlLoWeD”

Hard pass, alt codes are garbage.

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imagine being like 49 and getting mad about alt codes

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As long as we’re trying to uphold the Law here, remember to report any guild named after an organization within the Warcraft IP. It’s against the rules just as much as Clam Slammers.

Fatcamp may not be a traditional name for RP but you would have to know my backstory to understand why I took up the mantle of “Fatcamp”. Its a simple alias that reflects my past life. #undead

Camping fat people for cannibalize
sounds really rational for an undead.

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It reaches a point where the scales tip toward the majority being Anti-RP tools, and the RPers that are left give up the ship.

Grobby is seeing this in a big way.

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Will blizzard ever actually deal with this crap?

wahhhhh muhhh rp

When has Blizzard ever done anything about RP that the community couldn’t handle themselves lmao.