When do we get Skavens?

So now that Blizzard ripsoff everything Warhammer does, when do we get Skavens and the empire under earth ?

Imagine, a whole army of rats living in the deepest zone of Azeroth, one day they decide is good time to invade the surface!


when Warhammer Online after i believe they said they’d do it do it

i’ll be the giant mawrat who makes all of the rules


yes yes skaven best and most trustwothy. will help char burn elf things tree and fumigate poison dwarf things holds.

plus anything with tretch craventail is the best.

They would be a great addition to the horde, indeed. Yes yes bring it! :rat:


I wish they would re -do Warhammer Online :sob:, I love everything about Warhammer, lore, characters, races, everything is done so well.


Never. Crawl back to your under-empire and stay there, rat lover. The only good Skaven is a dead Skaven. Praise Sigmar!

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Thats it, you’re going in the book!

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Now? You do realize Warcraft was a ripoff of Warhammer from day 1 right? They only made Warcraft cause they couldn’t get the license for Warhammer.

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on another note

Vermentide 2 was fun, wish i could get back into it

granted would’ve loved to play as a Skaven gunner

Kobolds, pretty much.


Also the rat men are a myth.

Not. Nearly. As. Cool.

We have Oddly oversized mawrats, what more do you want?

Blizzard, can we have Skaven

We have Skaven at home
At home:


thank you for the images i would have done it but you know.

Not a problem, i think i got lvl 3 because i got the BETA, cuz i dont post to often here lol

I thought the empire under the earth was whatever the Blingtrons are fighting against.

Playable Skaven when?

except total war warhammer 2, where he’s the legit worst of all the skaven legendary lords. :stuck_out_tongue:

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