When do I start getting cool and easy transmogs

I really like the chi ji battlegear for my pandaren monk but not sure how hard it is to get

Some people mog their characters naked…and still look great.

Open the Mog collections, CTL + Left click to try out, type the name of the mog on google and there will be the information about how to obtain.

I see your 5 expac mog and raise you to 7.

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Sometimes I forget there are Monks.

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really? I myself just like Pandaren and mostly monks lol

I’m about to solo Nighthold for xmogs and mounts if youd like to come along

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Given that tmog is subjective. Just go run stuff. Whether it’s current content or old raids/dungeons. Most of the old stuff you can beat solo.

Looking the appearance journal and target where it drops.

I think it’s black rock foundry the mythic difficulty is my favorite set for a monk. The green one with face covering. That or the other warlords of draenor raid has it

How do you access old dungeons and raids? when I click dungeon finder, i says “item level is currently 135” and the old raids and dungeons doesnt appear there?

Ok,to go do say Black Rock Foundry,you have to go to the entrance its self.Same as with any old raid/instance. Every dungeon and raid has an intrance.

Welcome to WOW

I would start at

  1. Old Raid content
  2. PVP Vendors

I would use WOWHead as a start to look at various different T-Mog sets and just pick one to farm. On a side note, I always found PVP T-Mogs the easiest to get plus you get to play for fun and not have to grind old boring content.

Good luck

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You go to the old raids and dungeons entrances and walk in. Right click and choose on your avatar what difficulty.

Then kill the old stuff and collect mogs. Pretty easy. Whatever you get you vendor to a npc for easy gold.

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One raid in wrath is locked out based on who controls wintergrasp. ITs entrance is in the Wintergrasp building.

So you can only see this if your faction owns wintergrasp.

Its close enough to ICC it only takes a minute to see if its up on an Arthas run.

You have to travel to the location of the old raid or dungeon and enter it manually. Portals in your capital city are your friend.

Check your map when you’re in a zone. You see those little blue/green dungeon circles? Those are the physical entrances to the instances.

Have fun hunting. :slight_smile:

When you start running pandaria raids.

Wow, thanks for all the replies and help guys, I finally got my first cool transmog! Red crane transmog for my monk looks epic :smiley: I’m still figuring things out haha I think im just pretty slow and overwhelmed a bit

Easy ones , those from pvp mark of honor , they come in full sets and aren’t reliant on having the item drops from a boss . (which from a raid may take you a few weeks to gather the entire set depending on your luck)