When did WoW ''die'' for you?

It started in MoP with the implementation of CRZ. Blizz wanted to save money on hardware in their data centers and they quit caring what they did to downgrade their subscribers’ experience.

It was all downhill from there.

The wow we loved is dead. What we play these days is more like a cheap knock-off of a famous brand.


No, they are absolutely appreciative at all the money you spent on WoW, despite feeling its dead.

Because any rational person wouldnt have done that. They’d have moved on. So they are very thankful you are still giving them money for a game you dont like. For so long!

Esp since 14/month for 15 years is more than 2 grand!

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Would’ve been neat to give us the bright colored hair.

End of WotLK. Felt like people played back then because they just enjoyed the WoW Universe and MMOs in general.

  • A lot of people weren’t invested in Cata and it felt like a big part of the population died.
  • MoP was alright but it had a very slow start. PvP, Raiding and Challenge Modes were cool.
  • WoD sunk it again because it was just an unfinished game for 3 years.
  • Legion brought it back with Mythic+ and active PvP Seasons, with iconic raids and quests that everyone was familiar with. It was finally that Legion conclusion.
  • BFA started the sinking ship with monopolizing on everything. Mythic+ sales for boxes, boosting for pvp, raid mounts, etc… Game just became a spam fest.
  • Shadowlands made everything about BFA worst, with added borrowed power grinds and gatekeeping. Awful expansion.
  • Dragonflight feels like it’s just “those who remain.” There’s not much new, everything is kindof chill and laid back. Dragonflight just feels like coasting into the sunset…

WoD pathfinder forced a pathing pyzzle game on us. I kept going, but only did crafting and auction house during WoD because at least crafting was great. it was stupid to redo TBC.

This thread killed WoW!

People play this game for different reasons.

Me? I stopped PvE since MoP.

Absolutely would not be here if it wasn’t the PvP alone pulling me back.

Other MMORPGs like FF14 have better PvE than WoW, but that’s not why I don’t play MMOs anymore- otherwise I’d be in FF14, not in WoW.

I used to PvE in WoW. I used to play with my friends, as well.

People’s reasons for playing change. I’d be more surprised if someone that raided in Vanilla is still raiding in DF.

I’m beyond burnt-out on the content most people still play WoW for.

All I do now in WoW, and find worth $15 a month, is my awesome transmogs/collection that puts others to shame, pet battles (Pokemon is still fun to me, and it is turn-based PvP) as well as actual battlegrounds.

Also, rational people don’t play WoW.

They’d be out playing Tears of the Kingdom, like a normal, well-adjusted person.

WoW is NOT where a normal person would spend their time.

So it sounds like you found a reason that WoW is not dead for you?

I didnt raid in Classic. But I raided in TBC. I still raid today.

I find WoW PVE better than FF14 PVE in every way possible.

Seems more like a vexatious assertion on your part.

Particularly since I don’t see any psychologist credentials and you’re only taking the comment at face value.

You feel its rational to feel a game is dead to you, but put over 2500 dollars into it, and play for 15 more years?

Yeah, and you also think anyone who doesn’t think past WoW expansions are better than current should still be playing.

I thought nothing WoW has made has measured up to Vanilla myself, and yet I’m still here.

This game is cheap, like McDonald’s in quality and price. You can always put it down and come back. Everyone knows what it consists of.

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When the true warchief of the Horde Garrosh"whodidnothingwrong"Hellscream was ruined by Blizzard.

You’re making the assumption that I played for all those 15 years or that I am the sole player of the account.

For me the game didn’t end, but the story basically ended with Legion. It just felt like a proper place to close the story. BFA felt like they were desperately trying to bend the story to make it work, and then SL was like a mass hallucination. I still go to BFA and SL for WQs because I find them relaxing, but that’s it. They aren’t part of my personal canon story. When I truly play the game now I am running through Classic, or Chromie Time TBC through Legion. That is how I enjoy my WoW time now.

No. That is not what I said.

People are claiming that WoW DIED to them 15 years ago. 10 years ago.

People are claiming they stopped enjoying WoW multiple expansions ago.

I am asking why those people are still playing. Please be honest in the conversation. You can think a previous expansion is better, and I have no issue with that. It is completely unrelated to anything I stated.

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No you’re not.

You’re just here for a cheap laugh.

There was a few different instances where I felt like the game was moving away from what I loved about it. Flying in TBC was the first time; it felt super immersion breaking and still kind of does. Second time was RDF in WOTLK. That pretty much destroyed immersion and open world leveling as most people just sat in town. I was in college for most of cata so I didn’t play much. When I came back for BfA the entire game was disgusting. Borrowed power from legion, FOMO world quest rep grinds, PATHFINDER ACHIEVEMENTS?!?!!? Literally a garbage chore game. DF is making me fall in love with WoW again and I feel like an adventurer once more just helping the aspects re-secure their home.

Its not a cheap laugh. Its a laugh that cost over 2500 dollars!

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WoW has never died for me. Only changed. WoW will be a dead game when I no longer wish to play it anymore.

I love this game, for better or worse. Even if Blizzard’s higher ups are making things infinitely harder for the devs to deliver on quality content in their games across the board, I do know the devs are trying. Dragonflight was proof positive of that.

I just hope that business moguls in nice suits don’t completely kill an already drowning creative team of passionate developers… And it feels like that’s happening.

WoW died with Legion, but BfA was a nice “post-credits” scene.