When Did the Horde Become Handicap Accessible?

As I see it, the orcs have a simple caste system. Warriors, peons and commoners (craftsmen and shopkeepers). You cannot be in wheelchair and become a warrior. However, if a warrior is incapacitated to the point of being restricted to a wheelchair he STILL count as a warrior caste wise. And for all we know he could still be a productive member of society as a craftsman. He has already proven himself; he will not be demoted to a peon. I suppose that a warrior that shows cowardice could, however.

Just came to think of it. The orc caste system has an interesting difference from that of feudal japan. Their “peons” actually ranked above merchants that was despised for not actually producing anything of their own.

Cept, A, this character was shown to be around in a wheelchair since Cata, and B, this game has always been progressive to a point where it ignores lore a chunk of the time.

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If he’s been fighting wars since he could hold an axe, then he must’ve been in the First and Second wars, so his “respect” and “honor” were earned butchering draenei and human children. Such people should be shunned, not honored as heroes.

Pfft please. They relied heavily upon the Horde and the friendly Sethrak faction to deal with all that. A far cry from refusing Blood Elves till they proved they could handle their own problems.

Welcome to current WoW writing.


I can get stomped by a thousand foot tall giant and get rezzed. No side effects

Then you have NPCs who apparently choose to be their scars.


:ocean: :dragon: :ocean: :dragon:

That was a belief and concept more so held by the Orchish Horde as oppose to the modern Horde.

Been in one since cataclysm as far as I can recall.

They suicide run into a large group of the enemy and take out as many as they can. Ever watch cinema?

As opposed to, y’know, surviving the fight and making the next generation of warriors even stronger?

I get ‘death before dishonor’ is a thing for Orcs, but they also value wisdom, and there is zero wisdom in needlessly depleting your own forces just because of injury.

You’ve got Garrosh on the brain.

They showed cunning in making sure they had capable allies before engaging a threat, and Nisha was going in no matter who said what anyway so Kiro probably figured she could use a +1 to at least watch her back while she went and did herself a slaughter. They also continued to showcase their adaptability by utilizing unknown weapons in the field as well as navigating ways around other problems.

They also endured after being deeply wronged by the Alliance and attacked in the dunes. Whether targeting them directly or just their wares, Team Blue did a huge number on the Vulpera for their decision to aid the Horde, so it makes sense the Horde would look back and offer them membership for their assistance.

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I ran Blackrock Depths yesterday.

Weird how Moira’s husband was alive yesterday but she’s saying he died over a decade ago!

Y’all are just complaining for the sake of complaining at this point.

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You can blame Thrall and Sylvanas for that one.

Also Orcs do terrible manicures :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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The Blood Elves survived having 90% of their race being wiped out by Arthas and mana deprivation, were rebuilding and retaking their land. They also survived a deep wrong by the Alliance. They also wanted to have capable allies before making their move on Darkhan, but were also going to attack Darkhan regardless of the Hordes response.

Horde still said no and wouldn’t accept them until the Blood Elves handled their own issues by themselves.

Same situation. Yet Vulpera got special treatment because they did Baines chores.

The Blood Elves were former Alliance agents. The Horde needed to make sure they weren’t going to provide a backdoor for Stormwind to come in and gut Orgrimmar, so they absolutely needed to prove themselves to a higher degree. The Vulpera didn’t have any such baggage and stood by their choice to aid the Horde after the Alliance’s reprisals on their lives and caravans. The Vulpera laid down their lives for the cause of the Horde throughout Vol’dun by continuing to maintain trade and relations with the faction in the face of Alliance patrols.

If the Vulpera were just middling merchants content to play both sides, then your objection might make sense, but they were dedicated to their Horde contacts and friends, and shielded and bolstered the Horde’s logistics with their very lives.

The Vulpera did The Horde’s chores.

Kiro and Co. helped the Zandalari, the Nightborne, and put down a peon uprising with only a tiny bit of non lethal violence.

And that was after Baine declined them like a bad credit card. They still stepped up and saved the Horde.

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And the Forsaken are former scourge, who are 100x worse than Alliance, led by a former Alliance agent. Just saying, the Horde aren’t picky about who people were in the past.

Oh and also, Horde and Alliance were on actually relatively friendly terms at the time the Blood Elves wanted to join, so…

You mean they helped the Nightborne make Arcwine, which they’ve had experience in making for centuries and were only having trouble now because apparently they don’t know how to micromanage non-elves. The naga were a very small force and quite frankly it’s humiliating that the Zandalari couldn’t rout them by themselves. And all the Vulpera did for the Peons revolt was just cook some decent food and calmed them down a bit, a completely temporary solution that will unravel once the peons realise the status quo is back because their leadership didn’t actually change the way things are run.

And “saved the Horde”? Overblowing it much?

The point I am making is that the requirements for getting into the Horde have relaxed a lot and the guy pointing out that Blood Elves being a weak part of the Horde is hilariously silly when you compare how easily Vulpera got in compared to literally every other member of the Horde.

Blood Elves had to fight and win their own war before the Horde would accept them.

Goblins helped rescue Thrall and fight off the Alliance as well as deal with Gallywix

Pandaren were powerful warriors that the Horde wanted, and helped ease Horde forces into Pandaria.

Nightborne fought a civil war and solved their own mana deprivation issues, while also aiding against the Burning Legion.

Highmountain fought hard against the Legion, Drogbar and Feltotem.

Maghar had already proven their strength on the battlefield through an entire war in WoD.

Zandalari had their massive fleet and proud Zandalari army, which the Horde wanted.

Vulpera… proved they could scrounge stuff up pretty well, avoid dieing, and did a few small chores that made Baine’s day a little easier. Woo.

This isn’t to say they have no value or worth. They’re good for greasing the wheels, just making an already functional machine run a little bit smoother. There’s value in that. But you’ve gotta be kidding me if you think they went through the same qualification process as Blood Elves.

I recently put my paladin in the Jade set. Btw, the leggings for those are excellent for plate wearers that want to wear the now skimpy dresses they nowadays tend to drop on the trading post.

I love how people are shocked about modern Horde accepting weak frail orcs and putting their hatred for woke and bad writers. Like Drek’thar has been in a wheelchair forever, and going back even further Gul’dan was leading the Horde who was known as a frail weak orc.