When Did the Horde Become Handicap Accessible?

I’m looking at Tokag Bonebreaker at the Gala event. My first thought was that this character makes no sense from a lore perspective.

Weakness has traditionally never been tolerated in the Horde. A few examples, off the top of my head, include Gul’dan being cast from his tribe due to being physically frail, and Kil’rogg killing his own father for becoming weak due to sickness (Killrogg would also have to kill his own sons whom eventually challenge him, because they thought they were stronger).

BUT upon further examination, apparently wheelchairs have become quite popular in the Horde… https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GFlUxBXXIAAMU3m?format=jpg&name=large
When did they put Drek’thar in one, and does he actually fight in it?

I usually play Alliance, and we got cyborg-prosthetics over here, so this is news to me… When and where did they open a wheelchair store in Orgrimmar?


Since the end of BFA, there’s only been the red Alliance. I have no idea what you’re talking about. No, but seriously, nowadays every race is treated like humans, and much from the past is compulsively pushed aside so that both factions now function more or less equally.
And that’s coming from someone, who finds the division stupid, but unfortunately, the change is not conveyed very well. Like… at all. xD


Then why are Blood Elves a part of the Horde?


A physically handicapped orc is still strong as all heck

Heck even animals like hyenas can still live awhile if their backs get broken by a lion bite.


Different orc clans + Times Change

I know Alliance players desperately want the Horde to all be evil, one dimensional creatures but that’s just not the case :man_shrugging:


Also folks can be evil and still have at least good medical services

One of my fav jokes in Helluva Boss’s pilot is the main imps being asked what insurance a human child has that they accidentally hurt. The leader asks what insurance is. Immediate next shot is the imps and the child being thrown out thru a window out the hospital.

I’d share it but cursing. Just a nice joke about how even Heck doesn’t bother with some of the evil decisions that run Medicine


If the series is similar to Hazbin Hotel, then for me personally, it’s a bit too much with all the swearing, but aside from that, it’s really well done. I love the songs xD

Yes, he fights in it, and when he has dialogue, or casts spells, he stands up :sweat_smile:
It’s super comical virtue signal backfiring.

h ttps://i.imgur.com/ljh9pLr.png

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For the Orc heritage armor questline. I suspect the life expectancy of Orcs is increasing due to not dying in battle or from demons so they started making wheelchairs for their elderly.


Its a sister series. Same universe. Hazbin just follows sinners in the Pride Ring. Helluva Boss is more about the native hell species. So you see the other Rings like Wrath, Greed, Gluttony, etc etc. I think the only one we’ve yet to see is Envy.

I like it but its cowritten by Brandon Rogers so I knew I’d like it when it was announced lol. ( Well okay Richard Horvitz being in the show as Moxxie was also a “SIGN ME THE HECK UP” moment for me ) I don’t remember if Brandon did any help with writing Hazbin or not.


the ‘times change’ quote and the character mog got me
i think i woke the neighbors laughing


Ngl I totally clicked on this post expecting it to be an offensive bait thread.

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Yes this game virtue signals like every other piece of media/product.

They’ll do whatever it takes to win people over. Name a company that doesn’t…

14 years ago.


I used to run AV all the time in WoD, and I do not remember Drek’thar in a wheel chair.

I guess its possible I just didn’t notice it under all the things going off in that room.

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AV is an instance, so it’s frozen in time.

Every time you run AV, you go back in time to the days of Classic, just like Molten Core or Ahn’Qiraj.

WoW has a funny relationship with the concept of time.


Big talk from the faction that has vulpera in it.

You know the Horde from WC1 isn’t the same as the modern Horde, right?


This is the new Horde led by Warschief Baine, a rather nice person. Besides, yes, I know that many nations mistreat their veterans, but the Horde does not need to do that. Simply put, he earned the right to be respected through his service.

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Yeah, this thread just reeks of stupid.

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Thrall changed a lot when he became Warchief. Orcs kind of learned that there is more to learn from disabled veterans alive then dead.