When did Stormwind become the capital city that most people base in?

Doubt it. People are creatures of habit. We’ve spent pretty much every expansion being based in SW. The community isn’t going to pack up and move because one guy thinks a IF offers minor conveniences.

Why do I care if IF is closer to a dungeon location? I’m going to be afk on the flightpath no matter what city I start from. Everyone who is playing now goes to SW. They visit IF in the quests that take them there, see how dead it is, and have it burned into their mind that SW is the place to be.

heh…looks like Undercity is gonna be off the chain for us hordies

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When people can cut travel times in half and do the same things just as easily in IF they will eventually move.

People were creatures of habit in original Vanilla as well, and shifted once the content shifted. If you were absolutely correct no one would have ever left IF to begin with.

Why Ironforge was used.

1: It had the auction house, this changed later however.
2: It was closer to Naxxramas, Onyxia, Scholomance, Stratholme, Ahn’Qiraj, Arguably Blackrock (And all dungeons/raids associated with it), and some of the hot farming spots.

Patch 1.9, which explains why there’s an AH in Stormwind in Classic (1.12).

I wish, but horde-side a ton of people still set their stone to orgrimmar, even if strat-scholo-zg-(naxx) are right next to UC, and brd-brs-mc-bwl closer to UC (assuming you didn’t put the stone at kargath).

AQ40 is super far no matter where you start.

onyxia is closer to org, but that’s it.

This. Also when they moved literally everything to Stormwind only in Cata. All the portals, all the justice and valor and honor vendors. Originally the Arcane Reforge NPCs were in every city but when they added the void storage/transmog ethereals all those were only in Stormwind as well.

Yeah, it’s cool seeing the cities (even thunder bluff) with some population.

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Right now I go to whatever city is closest to where I’m questing. I set my hearth to the inn in whatever zone I’m questing in. I’m sure I’ll use Ironforge more once I’m level 60.

Storm wind because it’s close to the moor popular leveling areas like dusk wood and straggle thorn in my opinion

Old IF was even worse.

At 60 IF will be my home.

I just like the atmosphere (fire), the music, the ease of getting around the city, the colour (not SW white/blue).

SW is like a maze to get anywhere:

IF: go straight to the opposite end and loop back, or take the circle from the great hall! (AH/MAIL/INN)

When Dire Maul is added to the game, and there’s actually an endgame dungeon in Kalimdor, it’ll matter more that IF is next to Menethil.

the people

I prefer TB for things now. faster/easier to get to everything imo

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I’ve always been Horde, Org became our default city as it had the travel hubs we needed to defend against the constant raids on the other cities leaders (Cairne 2-3 times a day, loved the piles of corpses from alliance jumping off the cliffs…running away), also rogues from alliance literally lived in org to kill other players/NPCs who were flagged for defense (or hunting them). Org was always a joy. (Llane and Ustadbaba were huge in this, props)
When Horde raided I always jumped on the Stormwind raids, it was way more fun than the other cities, cause there were so many people to kill. IF was always too hard to get into and the lag was way to bad when the 2 sides were there in full force.
Maybe stormwind will stay on as defacto head city for this reason this time around, we will see.
Oh I didn’t mention elf city as alliance wouldnt even defend it, so it’s not worth mentioning. (horde never does not defend a city, just sayin, alliance scum!)

my Horde-friend,
it is because of wPvP. You will see when alliance starts their attacks, they always test our resolve attacking Cairne first, then if their numbers are good, they will attack Org. Sylvanus can pretty much handle anything that comes at her, she was made better than the others in this regards. She buys us alot of time to get to her and defend, not so much the other cities.

Undercity in Classic is no comparison to UC in TBC. There’s no mailbox directly adjacent to the AH in this version of classic.

Thunder Bluff is easily the best city for bank alts/trade skills. Everything except first aid is located on 1 single Mesa with a diameter of about 40 meters. It’s literally 5 seconds from the AH to the mailbox to the bank and the forge and anvil.

For the peeples!

Hopefully people start moving over to IF, it’s getting annoying how so many people in trade chat are in SW. If they won’t COD items, forget about it.