When did our tree form stop catching fire?

So our tree form glyph used to be able to catch on fire if you stood on a campfire and I just noticed it doesn’t do that anymore. When did that stop being a thing?

After what happened with teldrassil blizzard decided it was a little too insensitive

THATS WHY I LOVED IT SO. Could run around on fire going “look at me I’m Teldrassil”


I believe that it still can catch fire. The change was that it has to be your own fire now. Others can’t set you on fire with their campfire anymore.

No just tried it with my own campfire and it didn’t work hence why I came here.

Not sure what to say. I just tossed out a regular campfire in the middle of Valdrakken, switched into Treant form, and my character immediately caught on fire.

Are you using the regular campfire or one of the campfire toys?

You know what that might be the problem will try OG campfire

I….did not know this was a thing. “Things to do in WoW” list updated. :eyes:

It was still an interaction in bfa post tree burn so im gonna guess it happened this expac with the treant form getting a model update. That or its a bug of some sort.