i remember running siege of orgrimmar on the hardest setting heroic at the time.
hell i even ranked top 100 on the norushen fight.
yet when i look at my raid history it says this mythic fight existed and i never did it…
am i not remembering correctly wasn’t heroic changed to mythic when flex was introduced just before warlords?
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No, it was introduced with WoD.
During most of MoP it was: LFR, Norm, Heroic.
During SoO (last raid of MoP) they added flex and it became: LFR, Flex, Norm, Heroic.
Only Flex was flexible.
During WoD they changed it to: LFR, Norm, Heroic, Mythic
Norm and heroic are now flexible.
As for the armory, it’s very weird about those raids… I don’t really trust it. For some of my characters it says I have no kills in those raids, when I know that I did.
yeh so its super weird that in player raid history they have mythic siege listed…
at least i know im not crazy! thanks guys
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If I remember right, “Mythic” SoO existed with the pre-patch for WoD which basically renamed heroic to mythic for it.
Otherwise, it was just heroic at the time.
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