When did it become too much?

Everyone is special no one is special.


i guess i see things a little differently than most people in this forum.

i dont think wow slowly turned bad over the years, instead we have had good expansions and bad expansions.

legion was fine imo, but bfa, wod and cata are the bad expansions

That too, ofcourse.

Maybe a video game is not the ideal place to be “special” especially in a game like WoW that only rewarded time played in vanilla.


Legion is when it started to feel pointless. M+ really ruined a lot of the incentive. Outside of sets (which no longer exist) there was no reason to do raids anymore. The AP grind was trivialized by the last half of the expansion, as they threw it all aside and gave everyone high artifact knowledge.

Rampant RNG was a pretty large issue, due to Legiondaries it removed the players ability to target gear. We now have that same issue with BfA and AZ gear. The whole “i cannot target my gear” invalidates my need to play, it honestly just feels like i’m fighting a slot machine and not that raid boss around the corner.

They really need to change their mindset instead of doubling down on bad game design. Bring back justice and valor, bring back PvP vendors. I bet if they fixed all of the above along with actual class design, we would see a huge rise in subs.

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I don’t really think Legion was that good to be honest. Better than WoD, but worse than Cataclysm.

Legion felt like it turned the game too much into Diablo 3, only without the mechanics that they added in Diablo 3 to help mitigate the absurd amounts of RNG.


Do you favor Classic being true to vanilla and rewarding effort, even if part of that effort is spending more time playing to earn those rewards?

Or, are you advocating classic be more like retail and hand out “rewards” like candy?

Is this just another push for yet another non vanilla change in order to make classic as far from vanilla as possible?


He’s trolling. You could always stop feeding him.

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Here is your :trophy: for participation, Zyrius.
Those other kids were not laughing at you, they were CHEERING for you.

Everyone knows he is 100% troll at this point. The sad part is that trolls like Whiskee/Saqe at least put effort into their trolling.


You seem to have a lot experience getting said trophies.

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I admit, I quit playing long before they were given out with any regularity.

To be fair to Ziryus, i never got a single :trophy: and look how i turned out

i played it for like 14 months, i would not have stayed that long if i though it was bad. thats probably about how long i played vanilla wow for too

Exclusivity isn’t bad. It drives progression. The problem that I think a lot of people forget is that you’re not soloing mythic raids on live. Back at level 60, you didn’t solo MC.

Your experience in these games is at the mercy of everyone else. No matter how well you play, onyxia just isn’t dying if your healers can’t handle keeping the group up.

Exclusivity is great when you’re comparing people in either single player games or COMPETITIVE multiplayer games. In cooperative games that require grouping, though, exclusivity is more of a deterrent than a motivator.

Think back to classic, and servers like Onyxia where there just weren’t enough people on alliance to even fill a raid group. They had nights where there were maybe 15 people online. That makes 40 mans a little impossible. I think that was when Blizzard got the the hint that this system just doesn’t work.

Nothing in the game has ever been as bad as what people write about it.

Honestly the worst thing that’s ever happened in WoW ever is Rhonin giving his speech in Dal every 30 seconds, and depending on who you are it could be the best.

/slaps leg and laughs loudly

dunno why that just made me laugh.

wow problems from the desk of hyperspace:

-talent trees: i want my goofy talent trees options. i could make some pretty interesting builds, mixin’ and matchin’ all three schools of magic on a mage.

-gutted professions: the professions didnt survive heirlooms, wod and removal of flight accessibility till later in expacs where people have already earned gear from content and dont need your tailored, inscribed or smitheed gear,etc.

-random lfgs ruined community: it’s quiet. too quiet.

-no coordination in dungeon runs remember when the mobs had to be cc’d? participation no longer even necessary. some tanks can do the whole run, heal themselves, while literally no one else does a thing.


That’s an issue easily solvable with things like server merging and LFG tools though, nothign that required a baseline philosophy change.

I’m just saying I think at some point the general gaming public thought that grouping up together and coming up with a plan to execute actually challenging goals. Now days people act like they are going to catch the plague if they group up with someone, and if content is difficult to the point where they can’t figure out how to beat it in a few minutes, let alone a whole night, people abandon it permanently.

I’m just saddened that people don’t have the same kind of determination and social positivity anymore.

/looks at Ziryus and points to Cyberten’s post

Is this true young man?


(i will giggle if he’s really a teenage gamer girl, jaded from playing wow since she was 7. )

(post withdrawn by author, will be automatically deleted in 24 hours unless flagged)

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Legion course corrected wow to a degree and set a path forward where there was hope but BFA destroyed that hope in players. BFA relies on and revealed the falacy of blizzard’s metrics , they tried to use math to understand what makes people enjoy games.

The truth is that vanilla is an easy carrot to throw out there but it had serious issues, Tbc corrected many things and by the end it had achieved many goals but still had some distance to travel.

Wotlk was an over correction towards accessibility. While pre dungeon finder ulduar was an amazing time. Many have pointed to wrath being a flatline it was the peak for subs not Quality.

For me i think the balance was struck at different times for different things. Class balance in terms of viability and design was wrath -dks of course. Badge sytems and heroic dif dungeons was tbc along with attunements. Playing in the world was classic through wrath.

I think cata was wow’s downfall. Wrath set the stage but cata was a cavalcade of bad choices. Culminating in lfr.

LFD and LFR were the end of the game for many though it took them a while to kill the game we love they hold 50% of the blame. The other 50% is the people calling the shots, it’s easy to say blizz did this bad or that bad but it’s not blizzard as a whole. Go to stormsong or zuldazar hit alt-z and turn up the in game music and just walk around and soak it in the artists have always been the real champs at blizzard. The problems is they have bosses who have have been operating under the belief that they made the game and made it great. They really ran out of good ideas in wrath and have been running this game into the ground ever since.

Think about this the next time you watch a dev q&a with the game director. The guy on screen telling me whats good and bad and making choices and justifying them is running a multi-million (billion?) Franchise into the ground. This is the guy im supposed to believe? This is the guy telling me whats up

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