When did i roll horde?

for some reason there’s this glitch where i keep getting placed on the horde side of a battleground with a horde mask on my character, i can only assume this is an accident because otherwise there would be no point at all in picking a faction, like clearly i picked alliance how would i end up on the horde side of a battleground

strange stuff but i just left and got this other glitch where i had a deserter debuff despite leaving while on the side of horde, if my character was alliance why would i get a debuff from leaving the horde team, also strange


Blizzard wants you to get killed by your own faction if you’re hiding behind a mask :smiley:

blizz added mercenary mode after the horde endlessly cried about queue times

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Zug zug

Games dead wouldn’t sweat it; embrace the green skin

Do you feel clever now? Did it tickle you to perform ignorance to this degree? “why do I have a deserter debuff after deserting a BG” :nerd_face: lmao

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Horde destroyed the alliance so much there isn’t many of them left. Be glad you survived hiding as one in a battleground.

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It’s true!

There was good reason to.

this system is good. We need this in Era too

He would rather the game just be totally dead and have no BGs queuing at all than for people to be able to play the game.

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Some are just so opposed to change that they’d rather see the game die than see change… plus they usually have this doomsayer mentality.

Oh noes, some people are opposed to see the factions stoping to matter in a rpg.
What a monster.

Surely putting a dogs**** mask in my char, put it in the other faction side fighting for races(dfilers,warsong,frostwolf) i didnt choose to play with but against them, is whitout question THE BEST DECISION they could’ve ever make.


Why are you pretending to care about the rp of factions in classic warcraft? Are you staring at your own character’s face in bgs, with the camera turned around to face you the whole time? Youre a joke. Stop pretedning to care about the state of the game when all you really want to do is whine about something.