When did Gnome democracy die?

No in fact it does. They are children. This is clear as day.


Sorry for the delay, but on that point I would counter with the fact that the quest giver does not actually call them Whelps. The game itself is calling them Whelps.

This isn’t a matter of the questgiver giving the trolls an insulting name or anything but just what is being given to them as their nameplate by the world (aka the developers) themselves.

As far as I know… most nameplates for NPCs generally are descriptive of what they are / do (Either through their rank, class, or status) rather than by giving them an insulting name.

Ergo, Whelp is given to them as a descriptor of what they are rather than as an attempt to insult them. From that I think we can say that the term is more referential to some descriptor about them (such as age) rather than anything else.

Well, that sort of changes it, if the quest giver doesn’t actually charge you to kill whelps the the entire argument of the Alliance/Dwarves Sending you to kill troll children becomes moot, as you just admitted he doesn’t tell you to kill anyone in particular, much less their children.

So the initial claim that “the “good guy” faction asks you to go kill literal children so you can take over their lands” is false.

In fact, he directly referred to the armies attacking Anvilmar, so this is a case of misreferancing an NPC in quest

It’s a stupid quest that doesn’t make logical sense, let the old Barrens quest that had you kill lions and zebras that were strangely missing important body parts.

So your counterpoint is that… it was not the questgiver telling you to kill children but… something your character decided to do on their own?

Like they just said “Go kill Trolls” and your player character thought “Oh gee, look at those gosh darn children. Better get my pound of flesh from them.”

Also, re-reading the quest text, there is no mention of the Trolls having armies attacking Anvilmar. The only reference to an Army is the Dwarves own (Which won’t be needed), and that the Trolls do send out War Parties but, crucially, “this time it’s… different.” Indicating that these are not War Parties.


No, my counterpoint is that neither you nor the NPC chose the target but the quest pointed you to them anyway. As in, it’s not any more canon theN horde killing lions without paws or Zebras without heads is canon.

The “armies” were war parties. I meant War parties But wasn’t paying attention when I typed that. But he most certainly implied that they were attacking Anvilmar, or has least have been and he feared another attack while they were dealing with the troggs.

I do think Blizz course corrected about as much as they could with Zandalar though. The Zandalari are the most opulent and imperial feeling faction ever put in game. Their gods, rather than being backwards primordial forces, are fully realized characters they more bargain with than worship. And they’re only ostensibly not technology advanved. It’s quickly evident their harpoons hit like javelin missiles and the triceratops has some sort of lightning canon strapped to it.


Those are not at all comparable. People joking about creatures not dropping body parts has nothing to do with the fact that the quest can only be completed by killing Frostmane Troll Whelps.

Someone decided the goal was to kill the whelps. If it wasn’t the quest NPC then it was the character.


The quest giver literally says “This time it’s… different.”

Point me to one point where whelp in game wasn’t used for a child (or as an insult for “young /childish”).
This is silly.


Or the quest maker who wasn’t thinking, just like who ever thought up the drop rates on Zhevra hooves.

I won’t argue that the zandalari in BFA aren’t a better treatment than the other trolls got insofar they’re portrayed as having actual power* other than ‘oooh nooo they’re HORDES OF VICIOUS SAVAGES treacherously attacking our peace-loving and innocent civilians unprovoked!’, but there’s only so much credit that ‘better than infinitely terrible’ gets you.
Ultimately every single story arc they get throughout the expansion they feature in is ‘oh, they’re outdated, complacent, and more vulnerable than they think’ and it more or less concludes with a raid that can be described as ‘La Noche Triste but the conquistadors are morally righteous and gave Moctezuma a fair chance (despite what his stupid lying guard would have her allies believe, poor deceived dears) and really they’re just defending themselves :thinking: if u think about it :thinking:.’
And then the invaders nobly stay their hands after their most morally sympathetic character heroically foils the zandalari’s attempts at revenge with her incredible powers.

*The god stuff I’ll push back on - remember the last time we had to rescue Elune from a small band of renegade satyrs trying to murder her and turn her into a dungeon-boss zombie? And it wouldn’t have stopped at Rezan - Bwonsamdi appears to have only avoided it by dint of having the best VA


No, he says ” but this time it’s… different” implying it’s worse then it’s ever been.

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He implies the contrary in my view. This time it aren’t raiding parties. You are going to murder children.
And there are still the Forsaken females comforting the whelps like children.

That’s calling “reinterpreting the narrative to fit your bias.”


There is nothing to reinterpret. You are murdering children in this quest.

I don’t know what happened there. Frostmanes obviously.

Not by order of the Alliance or by choice of the player. The quest is clearly mistargetting the wrong NPCs, now that the NPCs have been changed but the quest was never updated to reflect that.

That’s simply wrong and you know it. What else should you kill? Right. The reason why they aren’t hostile anymore is if anything likely, because that’s normal now in many parts of the world and normal in every starting zones even for hostile npcs. Most of them are now neutral. Or you can argue it shows they are children. It really doesn’t matter at the end, because you don’t really disagree with their child status (I think).

The quest was to kill the Trolls who were threatening Anvilmar. The NPC targets for the quest have changed to no longer being openly aggressive but the quest had not. So the hostile ones are no longer the target as intended

It’s been 14 years but I Still remember playing through that zone. It was like 70% whelps there at that time. Everything there implied that they made up the bulk of the tribe. Unless that was some kind of troll daycare, any average player naturally assumed that they were just regular, if not pigmy, trolls and not children. And the fact you would get attacked by them as soon as you rounded the bend.

No. That was simply the assumption of that one dwarf, that the Trolls could outflank them. The only Fromstanes there were always the whelps and one female per hut (or something like that) to watch over them.

Again, that’s simply wrong and you know it. It doesn’t matter if they are neutral or not. That’s normal for kill quest. And you can’t complete it without killing them. It was always the right target.

It’s about killing children and nothing else.


On the one hand, you have someone who didn’t think about how it would look if not every Zhevra dropped 4 hooves. (Which is btw easily explainable as not all 4 hooves were of a high enough quality to be acceptable for the quest, not that some Zhevras are amputees).

On the other, you have someone who made Frostmane Troll Whelps the objective of a quest, someone who decided to keep them the objective of a quest in Cata (after they were made neutral), someone else who scaled-down regular Frostmane Trolls, labeled them Frostmane Troll Whelps and added them to the game, and someone else who approved all of that.

Now, what is required for multiple someones to think all of that is ok? You have to view the killing of Frostmane Whelps, which are at best adolescents, as an ok thing to do.


Not an assumption when they’ve been a constant threat for years and have had a history of attacks.

A kill quest to kill Mobs who were trying to you you.

Not to any evidence if that in the quest.