When did Gnome democracy die?

How much is expected? Well as I mentioned before, Blizzard’s actually kind of ahead of the curve in this regard. So my expectations are low.

But it’s not like there’s a meter that reads, “You must be X nuanced”. It’s a conversation. A process. One that has no easy answer. It took us centuries to get here. I don’t expect a single pithy solution tomorrow.

I’d like to see the various elements of WoW treated with similar attention. If you’re going to be sensitive to make sure Humans get a fair and balanced treatment, then it makes sense that other races get it too. If you’re going to raise the issue of genocide, or displacement, or matters of child murder then don’t just do it when it applies to the people you’ve deemed sympathetic in the narrative. And if you’re going to mess with real world ethnic coding in games, it behooves you to do some more in depth research and find out what sources/tropes your drawing on so you don’t perpetuate certain offensive stereotypes or engage in further dehumanization. And it never hurts to consult people who know more than you on the topic and invite them in to help. On the contrary, it often helps.

And as always, be ready to reflect upon your work and course correct as you continue. And Blizzard has dones all this before. The way they deal with Trolls in game has gotten better. They have shown that they’ve done more research in BfA than in order expansions. They’re willing to listen and adjust their approach. So it’s really up to us the audience to give them feedback. As mentioned before, it’s a process.

Not that I expect this thread to convince them of anything. No more than the thousands of other hot takes or critiques/criticisms posted on the forums every day do.


Just curious. What was your perception of Vodou/Voodo before WoW? What were your prior experiences before you started to do actual research and speaking to actual priests? And how did it change afterwards?

Actually, if you’re cool with it, I’m even open to continuing to talk on Discord. Tamani#2391.

Well being a Catholic school boy my prior experiences were extremely racist old horror movies. It was something to be feared and avoided. Literal black magic.

Of course, as many lapsed Catholics will tell you, that all fell to ish when they said my dead dog wouldn’t go to heaven. I decided that was nonsense and I’d roll with the Dark Prince if it meant getting to see my beloved German Sherpard again. And my obsession with the undead probably stems from about there, coupled with my Birthday being around Halloween.

The voodoo never really came up much. African Magic is what I guessed I viewed it as. But the concept of Loa and these things being benevolent was introduced to me by WoW and sparked considerable interest when I learned Voodoo was an actual religion and not just shorthand for witch craft.

Took a couple of theology courses that covered it and went out of my way to chat with some Priests in New Orleans. I’m not a rich man but I am a nerd so this was also my 21st birthday - these memories are not what I’d call reliable first hand accounts. But my general experience as a wannabe young anthropologist was interviewing either obvious lunatics or at least ones acting as such for tourists or much more serious religiois types. One of which was a tour guide on a trip through slave plantations and gave some interesting insight on how this religion was practiced in secret and how that and it’s slave practitioners gave it an undue scary aura.

Today I’d’ve taken better notes. But at the time I was also there with a friend who shared my birthday and was annoyed at my academic pursuits when there were strip clubs to visit.

Like I said, not an expert.


No, the trolls who wanted to take over the Anvilmar were the ones that summoned Elemental, the kids were minding their own business.

Stop posting nonsense and see it yourselves. The kids are not hostile, they’re terrified.
And you go to them to slay them.

And honestly even if trolls would take over Anvilmar, would it be really that bad? To have a TINY encalve for themselves? They used to have entire zone for themselves, and Dwarves took almost everything from them.

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The Trolls driving any Dwarves out of any where is clearly framed as being that bad. It’s obviously wrong to come into a place where people live and just kill them.

Now quick, Champion! I need you go into Stranglethorn Vale/Arathi Highlands/Hinterlands/Tanaris/Zul’Drak and wipe out the troll tribes that live there.


gelbin is a tyrant who took away the right to vote, gnomes rise up

Considering their ‘frequent aggressive assaults’, I’d be surprised if they stopped there.


I wish I could like this post 500 times.