I feel like changing the color on the default top/bottoms when unarmored isn’t “entertaining anything inappropriate” though. Solid color of the same exact appearance clothes seems… Not an issue?
Eh, I was more so talking about OP’s stance on teenagers in general and less about under garments, tbh
Ah, that is fair.
Dracthyr can change thier undergarment colors.
I would love to change the colors of my undergarments.
Ya never get a pack of undergarments that come in a multi color pack?! Im starting to wonder if the reason all the undergarments are brown is they were originally white
Oh god.
Been wearing the same undies since idk how long.
Dracthyr can mog theres.
I wanna ditch the sin’dorei panties for boxer briefs!
We’ll allow you to transmog your pearls too.
i will throw in my 2 cents and just suggest you pressure blizz give us more swimwear to mog, and not garbage swim gear with ropes and netting hanging off of it, this way you can wear a bikini and not upset the prudes who think pixel under garments is over the top.
Yeah it’s called Australia. Swearing is part of our language, pending on where you live drinking can start from 14-18 and all in we have a good time.
i want to have a elephants head for my boxers
You realize we’re just asking to change colors right? Not to remove anything.
I think underoos would be fun. They could be designed after notable lore characters.
Okay, sold.
This is but a rumor, but I heard underpants colors/models is the main reason behind us getting hide pants option alongside hide shirt.
Something basic that all races would be able to wear, and it’d just go ‘over’ the existing underwear options.
Like, maybe bra cosmetics for females (and males that want to wear them) and underpants with hearts on them, silly stuff like that, I mean we’ve got pajamas and pool floaties so I assume more of that kind of stuff in the eventual future.
They just gave us watches/timepieces as a bracers slot, after all, and we got many glasses this expansion as well.
More casual stuff, I assume. (Also, I’m pretty sure void elf males were gonna get a thong as their underwear? Lol I remember something like that, of course it was walked back.)
your other post calling blizzard to change the game because you can transmog pants and now you want to transmog panties . nice troll
Came here to call this out. They are so worried about children seeing some thighs, but want to play around with the color of undies? Nah. You don’t get to call for censorship for everyone while also wanting something for yourself. Go kick rocks.
Hmm. I don’t think Blizzard wouldn’t allow nudity on their platforms for alot of reasons giving the T rating.