When and how did Thrall and Jaina escape torghast?

I got into Shadowlands recently. I completed the quest to free Baine, and then the next quest “The First Move” was auto accepted when I entered Oribos. When I got to Bolvar’s room, Thrall and Jaina were already there O.o
Did Jaina use teleport? Did Thrall use astral recall? What did I miss?

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Originally, you freed them later in that same quest line. Supposedly Blizz cut that out with 9.1 but I haven’t pushed any of my alts through Shadowlands since so I can’t say for sure.


I never did the questline for Anduin. I refuse to enter TC. But he’s still out!

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They removed it?

I took a break near the end of Legion, now I came back to find that Tyrande is now the “night warrior” and is pretty pissed at Sylvanas, who at some point made a pact with the devil or whatever the jailer is, Thrall and Jaina are friends again for some reason, and who knows what else I missed from bfa… but even in this expansion they are already yeeting content out of the game before I can do it?

How the hell am I supposed to keep up with the story?


It wasn’t removed I don’t think. Normally you can talk to Bolvar to skip the questline if you wanted to go straight into 9.1 Korthia stuff. It’s optional to do so.

Haven’t tested it, but earlier today someone here said you could talk to Bolvar again to unskip it and get the Torghast line back. If it auto-accepted First Move for you. If you haven’t turned that in yet you could try it.

I never talked to Bolvar to skip anything, and there’s no option to unskip. I did some digging and it seems the whole torghast storyline is indeed gone. And so am I.

Who the hell tells a story like this, with several parts missing? I had very low expectations from Blizzard and they still managed to disappoint. Goddammit.


it’s the same thing as rescuing baine, you climb to sixth floor, get them out, and they say hi to each other in oribos and go sit in the corner until the next week


I think this is another issue of “Who’s my warchief?”. If you remember during the leveling process prior to the revamp, you had four warchiefs all in the same room. This is another issue there. The questline demands Jaina and Thrall be present in 9.1 regardless of the actions of the player character at that given point. So while Jaina and Thrall might be present there, if you go through the quest line, you would also find them in Torghast and rescue them directly.

Originally it was part of the Questline - was unaware they cut it out

Jaina was being help by a Terragrue looking mob with fire effects
Thrall was being kept by a mounted guy if I recall.

They removed the quest line but we went into torghast four different times to get each one out separately. When we were getting ready to go in for Andy the jailer noticed bolvar using the helm to peer into torghast and retaliated. They removed it all apparently. Why would they remove current content? Oh right it’s from the last patch so it’s old and irrelevant now. I don’t like this philosophy at all where even current xpac content is irrelevant before the expansion is even halfway over.


You shouldnt because its trash tier.

It seems it was meant to be an optional skip on the PTR, but it was forced on me.
I was going to open a ticket just in case it was a bug, but I won’t bother. I give up this game, giving shadowlands a chance was a mistake.

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You only get to rescue Baine now. They cut out the rest in favor of pushing you into Korthia.

Thrall and Jaina have always been friends. Nothing has changed.

The entirety of BFA is still there. Nothing has been removed.

The Torghast Questline was seemingly thrown out in favor of allowing a better alt experience. I don’t exactly agree with it because honestly it should just be an option regardless.

If you’re a bit lost on the story I recommend you watch these videos since you’ve been gone for a bit.

But how can you say that w/o first going through the content? You can’t possibly call the entire xpac trash based off 1 quest chain.

But freeing Thrall and Jaina was the same as freeng Bane. Do the run, kill the boss, watch RP.
Shadowlands, imho, did get quite a few things right. Sure, there are plenty of things that really need some polishing, but overall, I think its an overall improvement over BFA.

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I can agree here and despite SL’s flaws and BFA’s, they both had some pretty good stuff to offer.

Nazjatar, Mechagon, and Visions of N’zoth were fantastic.

The Torghast questline hasn’t been thrown out iirc. You can do it if you want to or you can skip it.

The same thing happened with Jaina in BFA: even if you didn’t complete the questline to rescue her from Thros, she’d show up anyway in whichever patch it was where they needed her for the main story.

You could still finish that questline though. Maybe they took out the Torghast one because it conflicted with the Torghast redesign?

They fought on the same side at Hyjal in WC3. That was before Jaina’s dad decided to commit suicide by orc, but apparently she doesn’t blame Thrall personally for that.

Nah, after Theramore was nuked by Garrosh she started to hate the horde.

I will go back to bfa to try more things, but at least the mission table was bugged. Is it possible to solo bfa raids at 60?

But I’m on my main…

Thanks, I will check it out.

It’s not the quest chain itself, but the mentality of “it’s okay to tell a story with missing parts”.
I mean, the very reason i went into the shadowlands was to rescue the faction leaders, why would they force me to skip it?

I wanted to do it but I can’t. The questline was skipped automatically.

This is true but remember Thrall wasn’t really apart of the Horde at the time either.