When a BoE drops.and your like

I’m buying a [Staff of Natural Fury] on Sulfuras Horde, but I ain’t paying 5,000G for it.

I paid 2,000G in 2007 and that’s my max in 2021!

i know that feel. so many amazing BoEs blues that would have paid for an epic mount in vanilla now sell for like 20g. If you got 99g for one of them consider yourself lucky.

Everyone already played TBC back in 2007 so now they know how quickly those BOEs get replaced.

Why would they waste the gold?

these BoE blues drop way too much. the demand for them is there, the supply is just too high. but w/e. it doesn’t really matter. but it shows ‘loot inflation’ is real.

They are not dropping anymore than they did originally. There are more bots farming them, but the drop rates are the same. No need for tinfoil hats.

I noticed this back in Classic. A few BiS or near BiS items sell well. Everything else is near vendor price.

Sad? It’s amazing! I need those jc recipes to drop like flies!

I undercut by 50% so my stuff sells.
if it doesn’t sell and comes back in mail I vendor it.


The supply is just massively overwhelming compared to the past. It gets the point where vendor farms are probably the best gold per hour because it can’t be lowered by competition. That’s how ridiculous the competition is.

Primal Life? 5g… Primal Mana? 2.5g each…
Adamantite Ore? 1g each. Fel Iron Ore? Also 1g each.
Talasite? Would be 3g if the vendor price weren’t 3g, right now I’ve been buying them for 3.7g about…

The Thrallmar rep blade is better. Those blades aren’t going to sell for 5k, jokes on them.

If it can’t be sold at a certain price, how do you know it’s worth that much?

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You aren’t getting primals that cheap on my server. Even life I’ve been getting 15g for. Airs are 35g+

People dont pay a premium for purple text anymore, everyone knows the difference between say, edgemasters, and dwarven hand cannon.

I finally equipped mine.

Price has probably gone down further since I last checked yesterday.

Primal Fires and Airs going for 25g too, its epic.

I mean they went for 10g on my server this first go around so it’s still pretty high.

Unlucky that a now lowbie item dropped right as tbc was launching lol.

When people spam dungeons, the availability of BOEs skyrockets, and therefor their value plummets. Welcome to your first supply and demand lesson

wow’s min/max mentality leads to the inevitable maxim: IF IT’S NOT BIS ITS TRASH.

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