Wheelchair mount? When?

Khadgar has one and I want one too.


If you want I can email you a list of phrases to yell at strangers in public.
You’ll probably find yourself in a Wheelchair pretty quick!


lol this thread again. Beating the ol’drum once more


How about a Toilet Mount?

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Take the lone outhouse from the Searing Gorge, add some wheels and a periscope, and you have a mobile toilet.

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Wheelchair mod for D.R.I.V.E. please.


wheelchair races in shimmering flats when?

tie it to a horse and it’s a wheelchariot.

I had a floating throne mount in SWTOR, just need to slap some rims on it.

Like a skibidi? That’ll attract the younger generation

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Wheelchair mount will drop off last boss of mythic raids

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Get a real wheelchair, roll up to someone else who is in one, then stand up. Do this 10 times and if you feel nothing, you get one in-game.

Does it yell “skibidi” when it flies?

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/me checks to see if the name Handiman is available :nerd_face:

Wheelchair is the next paladin mount, it isn’t something for the general public.